Clinton – Cult Leader For America’s Planned Final Chapter

clintonMike Adams – We saw it all in the debate last night. Hillary Clinton wants background checks for gun purchases but not for immigrants. She’s completely clueless about why Obamacare is imploding and wants us all to believe that her NEW promises on “fixing” the failed system will be more credible than the OLD promises that turned out to be fraudulent lies.

Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar who lies about lying. When caught lying, she proclaims her accuser is the liar and that she alone has a monopoly on the truth. But it’s far worse than that, really. When you look at her policies, the “hatred in her heart” pointed out by Trump, the criminality, the money laundering, the threats against female victims of Bill’s sexual assaults, the violation of national security laws and the psychopathic personality she exhibits, it’s clear that Hillary Clinton wants to be the leader of America’s SUICIDE CULT.

“The madness of liberalism has almost no bounds. You’ve heard me call it a mental disease, and it’s that — and more. It’s a suicidal cult,” says Michael Savage in his new book Scorched Earth – Restoring the Country after Obama.

“Liberalism itself is a religion, and it’s a suicidal one — everywhere you turn. Jerry Brown signing a euthanasia bill and acting as though it’s something wholesome and good for the people. We know what it is. It’s a death cult. Jerry Brown is leading a death cult in the state of California, and, typically, progressives always hold up their madness as something progressive.”

What Jerry Brown is doing to California, Hillary Clinton wants to do for the entire nation. The suicide will be initiated from many simultaneous vectors. Let’s examine them.

Hillary Clinton’s suicide pact for destroying America

#1) Economic suicide

With Hillary leading the liberal suicide cult, America’s national debt will continue to skyrocket while joblessness and homelessness worsen across the country. Hillary is economically illiterate and has never run a company or earned an honest dollar in her entire life.

#2) Cultural suicide

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