Truth Behind How The Global Elite Will Achieve A New World Order And World Government

Globalist Report | January 23 2013

I don’t fear a New World Order, the Globalist Agendaor even the establishment of World Government. I’m not afraid of groups like the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and the Skull and Bones Society.

In fact, the global elite who attend and control organizations like the Bilderberg Group that seek to establish a New World Order and World Government don’t intimidate me one bit.

I know for a fact that as individuals or even a collective, these secretive and shadowy organizations do not have the capacity to implement the agendas that they so desire. They are managed and controlled by weak, pathetic old men who would surrender at an instant when confronted.

However, although they cannot implements their agendas on their own, they can do so with the help of an ignorant and willing population.

It is the knowing that there are people who are willing to do the bidding of the Globalists and global Elite that terrifies me the most.

You see, for organizations such as the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and the Skull and Bones Society to implement their agendas, vast army’s of willing subordinates and volunteers are required to help them achieve their goals.

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Empire Of The City (States) ~ The Crown – Washington DC – The Vatican

The Empire of “the City”

There is an entity that is actively taking over the world right now. Some call it the New World Order, which was so fondly spoken of by Bush Sr. The signs of the New World Order are everywhere. Corporations bear their symbols, and so do our money (“Novus Ordo Seclorum”, the “New Order of the World”). It is not just our American money, but money in Europe and scattered all over the world as well. Globalist thinking is also encouraged throughout the NWO “nations” by means of propaganda, and the people of these “nations” are kept apathetic and ignorant by a complex system of control, which I will explain later.

A favorite symbol is the all seeing eye, which is the Eye of Horus contained within a triangle. It is sometimes accompanied by a pyramid missing its capstone. Things bearing this symbol include, but are not limited to: the reverse of the Great Seal of the US, the back of the dollar bill which bears the Great Seal, The Information Awareness Office, the part of the Department of Defense in charge of developing mass surveillance and intelligence gathering technologies and databases, the logo of Fidelity Investments, the MI5, even Tolkien’s classic personification of evil, Sauron. Other symbols you could look for is the upside down pentagram, and the upside down five sided star.

I don’t want to get too much into that but seriously, their symbols are everywhere, and it is obvious that they are in very high places with a lot of influence. But who are “they”, and why are they so obsessed with sun symbolism?

They are what is called the Empire of the City. The Empire of the City actually consists of three cities, which belong to no nation or state and pay no taxes: Vatican City, the City of London ([inside] London), and Washington DC. Vatican City controls the world through religion, the City of London controls the world through currency, and Washington DC controls the world through force.

The City of London (or the Square Mile) is a plot of land approximately a square mile in London. It is independent from England and is ruled by the City of London Corporation.

Located in the center of each city is an Egyptian obelisk erect. They are: the obelisk in St. Peter’s Square, the Washington Monument, and Cleopatra’s Needle in the City of London. Of course, one question you might want to ask yourself is why is there an Egyptian obelisk, which is a tribute to the Egyptian “pagan” sun god Amen-Ra, in the middle of Vatican City? Contained within these three cities is more than 80% of the world’s wealth.

The Empire of “the City” is essentially the British Empire, or more accurately, the forces behind the British Empire of the past. The Empire asserts its control over its colonies (such as the US, Canada, Australia, the European Union) through complicated means.

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Mark Anderson ~ Washington Post Finally Breaks ‘Bilderberg’ Silence After Decades of Censorship

American Free Press | June 8 2012

CHANTILLY, Virginia—The Washington Post—whose top managers have long attended the hyper-exclusive Bilderberg Conferences each year and were thanked by Bilderberg leaders for never reporting on the conference—broke decades of silence and gave a respectable reporton Bilderberg 2012 on the front of its Metro section June 2.

“Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates were chauffeured in.” the story in the  Post noted, adding, “Outside the [security] barriers, dozens of protesters and conspiracy theorists—convinced that Bilderberg is a global cabal [of about 120 key members] that runs the world—waved signs and shouted into bullhorns.”

And while the approximately 626-word Post story downplayed Bilderberg’s power and influence, the clunky article revealed that Washington lobbyist Vin Weber, “who has been a presenter at Bilderberg twice,” is an advisor to GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

The Post article also acknowledged that Donald E. Graham, the Washington Post Company’s board chairman and chief executive, is “on the invitation list” for Bilderberg 2012. But the fact is that Graham has attended for many years, yet until now there has been no known Post coverage of Bilderberg gatherings.

That the Post was finally covering Bilderberg first became evident when Post photographer Mark Gail showed up near the front gate of the stately Westfields Marriot hotel June 1, to cover what became a four-day demonstration of hundreds of boisterous protesters whose passionate message gave the arriving Bilderberg attendees something to think about—while these pampered plutocrats, as always, holed themselves up in a posh hotel behind a tight security perimeter, complete with armed guards.

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Bilderberg Behind The New World Order?

RTAmerica | May 31 2012

For over half century, a collection of world leaders have been meeting annually across the globe, but this year the Bilderberg group, which many believe sets global agendas, is gathering in Chantilly, Virginia. A lot of people think the decisions made here only benefit the rich and powerful. Abby Martin joins us for more on Bilderberg.

Paul Joseph Watson ~ Bilderberg Concerned Over Mass Protests

InfoWars | May 28 2012

Secretive group irate over record number of demonstrators, media coverage

With over a thousand protesters heading to the site of the 2012 Bilderberg Group meeting, Bilderberg insiders are becoming increasingly concerned at how the spectacle will impact their much cherished desire for secrecy, according to our sources.

As we divulged earlier this month, Alex Jones has developed two sources who have intimate connections with the Bilderberg Group, the shadowy organization set to meet this week at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia.

The sources, one of whom was able to relate that the code name for this year’s confab is the “Palm Tree Conference,” tell us that Bilderberg’s inner circle has become irate in recent days over having to beef their security preparations in anticipation of record numbers of demonstrators.

Bilderberg is also fuming over the significant amount of press coverage they have received before the conference has even started, most notably a Politico article that highlighted an story about Florida Senator Marco Rubio being a Bilderberg favorite for Romney’s VP.

Bilderberg has worked for over 50 years to keep the details of their meetings private, but this year’s confab promises to deliver a deluge of revelations about the group’s agenda, a threat that has Bilderberg running scared.

Bilderberg’s attitude towards those who rail against the group’s underhanded influence on world affairs is notoriously elitist. During the 2010 conference in Spain, London Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton overheard Bilderberg organizers complain about the fact that people had “enough income” to be able to travel and protest against Bilderberg.

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