“It’s Cheap But It’s Deadly” What Is Biological Warfare’s Future?

 Future of Biological Warfare?From swords and spears to atomic bombs, the warfare has evolved over the years and continues to do so even now. Where war-crimes and acts of violence are strictly punishable in different states, like imprisonments in Georgia, Florida, Virginia, etc, the US is yet to develop a counter strategy for threats that biological weapons impose on the well being of the society.

The Biological Weapons Definition is Vast

Biological warfare or the use of biological/chemical weapons can be referred to as the spread of disease, via bacteria, virus, or any other biological delivery mechanism, in human societies, animals or plants. Some of these are extremely hostile weapons and can result in mass eradication of species that have not evolved or do not timely develop immunity against the inflicted disease. Continue reading

Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking And Bill Gates Now Repeating The Same Urgent Warnings For Humanity First Issued By The Independent Media Years Ago

scienceMike Adams – Elon Musk warns that artificial intelligence may spiral out of control and give rise to self-replicating machines that destroy humanity. Stephen Hawking mirrors the same warning with even more dire language about the future of human civilization and its survival in the universe. Bill Gates warns that a killer flu pandemic could wipe out a substantial portion of the human race, spreading uncontrollably across the planet and causing widespread fatalities.

What do all these dire warnings have in common? They’re things that I and many other people have been warning about for years. While I posted a very specific warning list in 2012 (see below), there are people who were WAY ahead of me on these warnings. Steve Quayle, in particular, warned about the risks of biological weapons two decades ago. Some scientists, too have been warning about the rise of AI since the dawn of personal computing in the 1980’s. Similarly, anti-nuclear activists have been sounding the alarm on the dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear power since the dropping of the first two atomic bombs in World War II. Jeffrey Smith has been warning about the dangers of GMOs for many years, and observers of atmospheric tinkering have been warning about the risks of atmospheric experiments since at least the 1990’s.

What’s fascinating is that the mainstream media doesn’t consider any of these risks to be “real” until someone like Elon Musk points them out. When Alex Jones warned in the 1990’s that the federal government was spying on your phone calls — a fact we now know to be verified as factual and true — he was called a wing nut conspiracy theorist. Regardless of what you think about Jones today (he’s a polarizing figure in New Media), he was dead-on right about this point, and he was over a decade ahead of his time in warning the public.

Hilariously, the Electronic Frontier Foundation now warns: Continue reading