Blue Pill or Red Pill – Choose Wisely

red pillJohn Green – I’ve been writing a great deal about buyer’s remorse.  But just when I think I’ve said everything that needs to be said on the subject, it suddenly gets even worse.  President Asterisk’s poll numbers are going south faster than a Minnesota snowbird in October.  But, not to be undone, President-elect Harris is racing old Joe to the bottom of the scale.  Even liberals are starting to disclose how truly nasty and unlikeable the duo really are.  Has Joe managed to “red pill” the population?

In our modern-day version of The Matrix, the left has been attempting to “blue pill” us with their incessant propaganda.  However, some are experimenting with the red pill.  They’re opening their eyes and seeing the truth for the first time.  It’s the blue pill for the leftist Kool-Aid and the red pill for truth and reality — a rather appropriate color choice — no? Continue reading