How To Set Healthy Boundaries

boundariesTanaaz – Boundaries are not about other people. They are about You. They are about creating a structure and order so your energy levels and emotions are protected.

Boundaries are put into place so you don’t have to compromise yourself, and you don’t have to find yourself in situations that you don’t want to be in.

When you establish healthy boundaries with the people in your life, it makes it so much easier for you to stay in you truth, and it also teaches other people how to treat you.

When you don’t have boundaries, people are likely to walk all over you, abuse you, and treat you like a doormat. This results in you feeling drained and taken advantage of, and it can also lead to social anxieties.

Creating healthy boundaries is important in all areas of your life- the workplace, with your friends, with your family, with your children, and with your partner.

Boundaries are limits that you impose and and have consequences if they are breached. These consequences may vary depending on what boundary has been crossed, but more often than not, when you set firm boundaries in your life, most people will respect them.

If you want to create healthy boundaries in your life, here is how to begin: Continue reading

Boundaries Up and Anchors Aweigh

boundariesJennifer Hoffman – When there is a lot of energy movement we need to make sure our energy boundaries are firmly in place. Why would we put boundaries up when we want the energy to flow in freely and create as much transformation as possible? Because without boundaries we don’t have a path for the energy to follow and while we want to receive a lot of energy, we don’t want the chaos and drama that can happen when we are not in control of the energy flows. At times like these we need to be open to the huge potential that big energy movement brings and raise our anchors so we can set sail, while also having the boundaries that let us keep our ship on course.

Boundaries control the flow of energy movement into and out of our lives. A strong energy boundary, like the favorite that I have shared with you for years, “Everyone in my life loves, honors, and respects me,” sets a foundation for the kinds of relationships and energy that we want in our life. And that serves two purposes, it lets everyone know what the energetic price of admission is to be in your energy space, while attracting people who want to be in that space with you. The people who need the boundary as a reminder of how to behave with you will be uncomfortable with it, while the ones who don’t need it won’t even be aware of the boundary, except to know that your energy feels very comfortable to them because it matches their energy.

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Peace And Beauty

peaceOwen K Waters – Peace resides in the human heart. Inner peace creates outer peace in your relationships and in the effect that you have upon the global consciousness.

Peace is a choice. It respects your boundaries and it respects the boundaries of others. When you set your boundaries and stop others from intruding into your space, when you respect other people’s boundaries and do not intrude into their personal space, then it is possible to move on to the next step, a state of mutual cooperation.

Mutual cooperation means that you support each other in ways that come from your heart. You help people because you love the spirit within them. Their outer personality is not the important focus here; it is their inner light, their inner spirit that you can always love, regardless of their outward actions. This, then, is the foundation for unconditional love.

The best model for unconditional love is right above you in the daytime sky. The Sun shines on everyone alike, without any judgment.

Love and support are the key requisites for lasting peace. The more people embrace peace in their own lives, the more they affect the global consciousness that we all share on this planet.

Beauty lasts forever because it lives within the human heart. Continue reading

Boundaries: Bust or Must?

“You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce.” ~ Tony Gaskins

Banu Sekendur – There isn’t a relationship in life that doesn’t require healthy boundaries for it to function happily. If you think about it, the whole of life is based on relationships. The flowers have a relationship with the soil. The sun has a relationship with the moon. We have a relationship with our bodies, our money, our significant other, our pets, even with the doorman at the building we live in and so on.

The boundaries and parameters for each relationship are different and are unique to the type of relationship at hand. This is probably why boundaries can get complicated as we navigate and negotiate relationships every day of our lives.

Learning to set healthy boundaries can be messy

boundariesOver the many years I spent on my personal growth and healing, boundaries have been one of the more challenging areas of life. I am, not only a recovering codependent, but a naturally a giving person. As I got to know myself better my need to learn how to negotiate boundaries in a win-win way had increased.

It took a lot of practice and mistakes (some embarrassing) to get to a place to communicate what I need without having an anxiety attack. I barked boundaries at people and squealed like a 2 month-old puppy when people didn’t immediately start doing what I asked them to do. It makes me cringe to think about it now. Yet, I know that without forgiving the mess of the initial practice, I couldn’t have arrived where I am now. I know that I am better at boundaries from decreased emotional stress in my life. During my messy practice period, I have found a handful of tried and true perspectives on setting and living with healthy boundaries that might offer you some insights. Continue reading

Open The Gate And Stand In The Gap

“Your lineage of light activates and glows like a firefly. It is time to See who you really are.” G MacBeth-Louthan

OpenTheGateIt is time to ‘Open the gate’ to all experiences you keep yourself separated from, in thoughts, in deeds, in longings, and heart’s desires. Open the gate that keeps you from a future that is sweet and plentiful. It is your belief system that keep you stagnate not moving forward. It is your personal canyon that seems endless, in a sky that seems cloistered with thunder clouds. Open the gate and set free all that has once served you so that it can learn to fly, learn to swim, learn to tunnel deep in the earths mysteries. Open the gate to everything that you are destined to be, minus all the earth drama.

Experience the flowing of the trueness of your beginning without end, of your end without beginning. Let go of all self imposed limitations and programs. Let go of all excuses and procrastination’s. Unearth the potential that you have kept sequestered away. Open to see all that is happening in a single moment in any place in this universe. For you have that ability but you must announce if to yourself in remembrance. ‘I can see through space and time, through sky and cloud, through dirt’. ‘I can walk through stars and the air with the greatest of ease. Continue reading