Boundaries & Limits – Keys To Freedom

“We need boundaries and limits to be clear in our intention for our lives. It doesn’t serve anyone when we are without boundaries because without them, we attract people and situations from our fears, rather than from our highest energies.” J Hoffman

jenniferhoffmanThis is the final week of July and it is going to be another strong week for us. Venus is opposite Pluto and square Uranus, activating the Uranus/Pluto square. While we like to think of Venus as the goddess of love and emanating sweetness and light, this is not that kind of energy. This is the mother who has had enough and gives you ‘the look’ (as my children call it) that speaks volumes without saying a word. When you get ‘the look’ you know it’s time to quietly go to your room or stop acting up.

We know that the feminine energy has its dark side and we may just see some of that this week. We can be powerful without overpowering others, we can be in control without being controlling, we can be dominant without dominating and this is where we are now, finding the balance point where we are in our power in self affirming ways that don’t limit others’ choices but do limit how their choices impact us. This energy may empower you to end an unfulfilling, unrewarding, or challenging life situation. You can’t make others change, but you can change what you allow in your life. Just remember to release and cut the cords with dignity, so you do it in a powerful and empowered way.

The changes are unrelenting and what will get us through them is discernment. We can choose any experience that we want from among the many that come forward, what we choose depends on what serves us best in each moment. And what we resonate with will be what we are aware of, no matter what other options are available. With Mars in Scorpio, our experiences can be intense but again, by practicing discernment, we can minimize the drama and bypass the chaos. It’s going to be there, we just don’t have to choose it. Continue reading