Breaking BRICSA: Washington Targets Brazil

President RousseffJoseph P Farrell – The BRICSA bloc, as I call it, more popularly known as BRICS –  Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – is in Washington’s sights, and more particularly, the Republic of Brazil, according to this article shared by many readers here:

F. William Engdahl: Washington Tries to Break Brics: The Rape of Brazil Begins

While normally I would be inclined to parse this article very closely and carefully, especially since it was composed by one of my favorite researchers, F. William Engdahl, today I want to leap directly to some high octane speculations, not only because there is so much detail in Mr. Engdahl’s careful survey of the internal politicking in Brazil surrounding the demise of President Rousseff, but because there are larger issues in play.

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Wall Street Behind Brazil Coup d’Etat

Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Control over monetary policy and macro-economic reform was the ultimate objective of the Coup d’Etat. The key appointments from Wall Street’s standpoint are the Central Bank, which dominates monetary policy as well as foreign exchange transactions,  the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Brazil (Banco do Brasil).

On behalf of Wall Street and the “Washington consensus”, the interim post coup “government” of Michel Temer has appointed a former Wall Street CEO (with U.S citizenship) to head the Ministry of Finance.

Henrique de Campos Meirelles, a former President of FleetBoston Financial’s Global Banking (1999-2002) and former head of the Central Bank under Lula’s presidency was appointed minister of finance on May 12.

centralIlan Goldfajn [Goldfein] (right) appointed to head the Central Bank, was chief economist of Itaú, Brazil’s largest private bank. Goldfajn [Goldfein] has close ties to both the IMF and the World Bank. He is a financial crony of Meirelles.

Historical Background 

Brazil’s currency system under the Real is heavily dollarised. Internal debt operations are conducive to a rising external debt. Wall Street is intent upon maintaining Brazil in a monetary straightjacket.

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Zika fraud update, Rio Olympics, the op against Brazil

zikaJon Rappoport – For new readers, see my previous articles about the scientific fraud that is Zika. In a nutshell, there is no convincing evidence the Zika virus causes the birth defect called microcephaly.

There are only news headlines. The latest of these refer to two new studies “clinching” the Zika-microcephaly connection. However, the studies are nothing more than propaganda.

One study claims that, in several groups of mothers and babies born with the defect, the Zika virus was found. But at best, it was found in a small minority of cases studied. This weak correlation proves nothing. In fact, it is evidence against Zika as the cause. Why? Because scientific standards dictate that the virus should be found in all, or an overwhelming percentage of, cases.

The other study was done on mice. Needless to say, mice are not humans. In fact, mice are far from ideal animals to study, when inferences to human are going to be made.

The CDC and the World Health Organization are determined to weld Zika to microcephaly. Scientifically, they’ve utterly failed, but that doesn’t stop them. They can get headlines, and that’s all they care about.

Brazil, as everyone knows, has been made the target of the hysteria surrounding Zika. And the Rio Olympics are coming up shortly. Obviously, many tourists are going to stay home because they fear Zika. This could cut deeply into expected profits the Games generate. “Brazil is a terrible place to visit; Zika is rampant; run from the virus.”

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The Oldest Pyramids of the World

Ancient Explorers – According to reports, the world’s OLDEST pyramids have been discovered on the Atlantic Coast of Southern Brazil. That is of course if you ignore all other ‘provocative’ discoveries such as the Pyramids of Bosnia, Indonesia or Antarctica, and the fact that we have absolutely no idea what the exact age of the Pyramids of Giza is.

Just like the Pyramids in other countries, these found in South America are believed to have been built for religious purposes. Near the mysterious structures, researchers discovered hundreds of human burials and grave goods which include stone plaques, shell breast plates on a series of figurines representing numerous animals from the region.


Shell mound or Pyramid? According to researchers these are in fact the oldest known on the planet. Continue reading