Financial Survival: Economics is Not Science [Audio]

rateJames Corbett – This week on Financial Survival James and Alfred discuss how central banks manufacture our economic reality, not out of immutable laws of nature, but on the back of an agreed upon medium of exchange whose rules and conditions they set. We talk about the ramifications of these central bank manipulations on the economy as a whole and what this means for the future of the world.


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Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

NaturalSociety  August 13 2013

Men and women alike have excess ‘belly-fat,’ usually an anthropomorphized representation of a lack of healthy fats in our bodies- like the ones in coconut oil. A peer-reviewed study from Brazil shows how eating just two tablespoons of coconut oil a day can help whittle our middle faster than spending months on the dreaded treadmill.

Coconut oil is full of medium chain triglycerides. (MCTs) The good thing about this type of fat is that it is more likely to be burned as energy than turned into extra blubber. Additionally extra virgin, organic coconut oil is full of lauric acid and caprylic acid, two important fatty acids that contain anti-viral and anti-microbial properties, so while your body can more easily utilize these fats as easy energy, coconut oil also helps to boost immunity and keep you from getting sick.

Furthermore, the Brazilian study showed that participants had exceptionally higher rates of good cholesterol, or HDL. Also, people who ate other forms of ‘good’ fats, like soybean oil did not realize a smaller waistline, while those who consumed coconut oil did. Part of this may be because participants ‘spontaneously’ reduced the number of unhealthy carbs they were eating and naturally increased their consumption of healthy proteins – which may also account for the loss in belly fat.

The researchers in the study concluded, “Supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia [an abnormal amount of fats in the bloodstream] and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity.”

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The Monsanto Tipping Point Has Been Reached

NaturalNews June 4 2013

Ben & Jerry'sMonsanto is now in full retreat against a global grassroots rejection of its poisons and lies. The company is backpedaling on every front now, even admitting defeat in Europe and now trying to focus its last, desperate efforts on the United States and Brazil.

But even in the Americas, Monsanto is losing on every front: GMO labeling legislation is cropping up in over a dozen states, the global March Against Monsanto demonstrated global grassroots unity against GMOs, and even the so-called “science” behind the “safety” GMOs is revealed as utter hogwash now that GMOs have escaped Monsanto’s experimental wheat fields and contaminated commercial wheat crops in America.

Japan has halted U.S. wheat imports and South Korea joined in as well. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream company has announced it is going 100% GMO-free, and massive boycotts are under way against brands that tried to block the GMO labeling ballot measure in California (Prop 37).

We’ve reached the tipping point against Monsanto

Jeffrey Smith of has always talked about a “tipping point” being reached on GMOs, after which the flood of consumer awareness and demand would force food manufacturers and retailers to begin the process of ditching GMOs. I believe that tipping point has now been reached. In fact, I believe the March Against Monsanto was the final push over the fulcrum of the tipping point, and I am ecstatic that so many people all around the world marched in the streets to protest global food injustice while the wholly-discredited mainstream media sat back and pretended the march never even took place!

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