It’s a Breakthrough

“Trust your journey, all of it.  Know that confusion and disorientation are a necessary part of your spiritual awakening.  Be gentle and say to it, “This is what life is offering me today.  No need to figure it out.   It’s okay.” ” – M O’Malley

oceanWaterWaveRainbowA friend of mine, who has been the caregiver for his wife for the last several years, is struggling with life right now.  He often feels disoriented and confused, and he is having trouble remembering things.  He said recently, “Mary, I think I am losing my mind.”  He is getting himself checked out by his doctor, which, of course, is very important, and, so far, all of his medical tests are negative.  So, what is going on?

I believe that my friend is experiencing an initiation through fear.  He thinks he is having a breakdown, but I call it a breakthrough.  It is one of the biggest challenges we can experience in life, the fear of losing our minds.  It creates all sorts of stories that look real, but most of them are not.  No matter what the results of his medical tests are, his job is to keep on remembering that life knows what it is doing.  I assure you, it is not easy.  It is actually very difficult for most of us because we think our minds are our safe place.   This belief has given us a false sense of security our whole lives.  When we experience something that feels like the mind is checking out or losing control, we have a very hard time accepting it. Continue reading