Purify and Rejuvenate the Body and Mind

Shems Heartwell – The way you breathe is the way you live. Breathing is absolutely essential to life, but it’s often overlooked as a necessity for good health. Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Breathing fully and freely is our birthright. If you watch a baby breathe, you will see the beauty and simplicity of flow in the body.

With each inhale, the baby’s belly fills with air like a balloon, the pelvis rocks, the legs open, the chest rises and then falls, like swells across the ocean. This is natural, oceanic full-body breathing. It is the way we were meant to breathe.

Breathing effortlessly, a baby lives fully and freely in the now, in the expansiveness of the moment. There is no past to remember, no future to plan for or worry about. Each breath is a process of receiving from the universe and giving back to it. Continue reading

The Most Powerful Exercise to Purify and Rejuvenate the Body and Mind

breathingShems Heartwell – The way you breathe is the way you live. Breathing is absolutely essential to life, but it’s often overlooked as a necessity for good health. Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Breathing fully and freely is our birthright. If you watch a baby breathe, you will see the beauty and simplicity of flow in the body. With each inhale, the baby’s belly fills with air like a balloon, the pelvis rocks, the legs open, the chest rises and then falls, like swells across the ocean. This is natural, oceanic full-body breathing. It is the way we were meant to breathe.

Breathing effortlessly, a baby lives fully and freely in the now, in the expansiveness of the moment. There is no past to remember, no future to plan for or worry about. Each breath is a process of receiving from the universe and giving back to it. With each inhale, she receives and takes life in. With each exhale, she lets go and gives back. She is in touch with and part of the essential rhythm of life.

“Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.”

The baby doesn’t know or do this consciously, but simply experiences an inherent peace, joy, and connectedness with all things. Of course, a baby will also experience needs and be heavily influenced by the environment that she is in. She will have emotional outbursts or cries for attention, but what is important to notice is how easily a baby will settle back into a relaxed state of calm and peace. Much like animals, children have a great capacity for resilience. In one moment they may be screaming and then after a brief reassuring glance or embrace, settle back into a deep peace and calm.

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Living From The Heart Every Day

eramithflowerAnne Rice – Fulfillment, creativity and passion come from one source, your heart. Living from your heart every day is the answer. This is easy to say but sounds like another spiritual platitude unless grounded in experience. To be real, it must be felt and embodied.

When I began meditating years ago, I started with a simple “watch your thoughts” approach, always coming back to the breath. I stuck with it for some time, even though for long periods on the cushion Id forget I was meditating and daydream about people, places, conversations and anything else the old thought generator could conjure up. Eventually I realized it was time to try something else. I wanted something more tangible than the breath to come back to. I wanted to sink my teeth into something real, an internal presence that I could feel morphing my thoughts and emotions into clarity. Continue reading

Finding Peace Within

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | July 3  2012

breathThere are moments in every life that are disruptive. Moving through life tasks can be crowded with difficulty and anxiety. Inner turmoil can be created that can make one feel disconnected and chaotic.

If you find yourself in that place, stop for a moment and just breathe deeply. Find that calm place even if you feel your grip upon it is tenuous. With each breath you take see your hold on it becoming stronger until you are able to continue moving through the experience.

You did not incarnate to fail. You came to this place to prosper and grow. Each task before you was pre-planned by you. Summon your inner most strength to accomplish the goal.

We realize that often it is most difficult to do that, however, you are a strong energy with the ability to perform miracles from within.

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Let Life Touch You

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
December 1 2011

The big invitation for you today is to stop protecting yourself from feeling vulnerable and open yourself up soooo much that you allow life to touch you deeply and intimately.

Who knows if this week you will breathe your very last breath in this body.  Do not hesitate or procrastinate this opportunity to be alive!

Let life touch you by being willing to be real. Welcome whatever happens with open arms and know that being more sensitive means you are truly courageous and willing to experience life in the multitude of glorious ways that it wants to reach out and touch you.

Your feelings are always guiding your way home!