‘We’ll Never Become A State’ Juncker Says EU Superstate Dream Is Over Amid Voter Backlash

Jean Claude Juncker

Nick Gutteridge – The EU Commission chief insisted any dreams some politicians may have of a United States of Europe are dead and buried amid voter apathy about the project and growing divisions amongst its member states on migration, Brexit and trade.

He admitted that he was once a federalist himself, but said he now appreciated that ordinary Europeans will not accept the imposition of a superstate by the back door and that Brussels must allow national governments a greater say on Europe-wide policy.

Mr Juncker’s remarks came after he launched an historic white paper on how to save the struggling project yesterday, which unusually consisted of a massive consultation exercise on five “pathways” for the future.
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Brexit Update: Commons Votes Overwhelmingly To Proceed With Brexit

britainJoseph P Farrell – Well in case you haven’t heard, there’s been some grumbling of shocked defeat across the pond in the United Kingdom, where globaloneyist sore losers are trying to pull rabbits out of their increasingly threadbare hats to try to get Great Britain to remain in the European (dis)Union. In Britain they started off calling these “remainers”, which quickly became “remoaners,”  doubtless because the moaning chorus has been led by M. Jean-Claude Juncker (apparently no relation – other than common shared concepts and attitudes – to the Prussian landowners of yesteryear).

Juncker, of course, has about as much warmth and charm as a black mamba and has been moaning ever since the results of the BREXIT referendum. His latest opus of tyranny was to urge European leaders not to allow BREXIT-like referenda in their various countries, because, as he put it in between hisses, if they should do so, everyone would vote to leave the EU, leaving poor M. Juncker to slither back to whatever technocratic paradise that hatched him. Life is so very difficult, and it is so hard to be an unimaginative bureaucratic tyrant these days… moan moan moan.

You may recall that just a few weeks ago, a British court handed down a “defeat” for the BREXITers, ruling that the referendum was non-binding, and that Parliament itself would have to formally vote to invoke article 50 of the Lisbon treaty. Of course, there were discussions and debates about something called the “crown prerogative” and whether or not Mrs. May could invoke it and bypass Parliament, but this discussion, like the British constitution itself, remains obscure, located somewhere between the perukes in the Old Bailey and afternoon tea, and accessible only to the mandarins of the Inner Temple with post-graduate degrees in Advanced Jurisprudential Obscurontology (See Charles Dickens, Bleak House).

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News And Views From The Nefarium – November 3, 2016 [Video]

Joseph Farrell – Well as always, the Nefarium has been up to its typical nefarious tricks this week, this time in the United Kingdom in an attempt to block or water down the BREXIT vote.

SF Source Giza Death Star Community  Nov 2016

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Brexit Marks The Start Of An Anti-Globalization Era

Dr. Yoon Young-kwan – Populism, nationalism and xenophobia all contributed to the victory of the “leave” campaign in the United Kingdom’s recent referendum on membership in the European Union. But these forces float on the surface of a larger sea change: a fundamental shift worldwide in the relationship between the state and the market.

Since the birth of modern capitalism, these two frameworks of human activity have generally been at odds. While the market tends to expand geographically as its participants pursue economic benefits, the state seeks to keep orderly everybody and everything within the territory it controls. A merchant may recognize market opportunities in a foreign country, but he will run into the state — most immediately, that country’s immigration authorities — if he pursues them.

How to reconcile the tension between the market and the state is the central concern of political economy today, just as it was for Adam Smith in the 18th century, Friedrich List and Karl Marx in the 19th century, and John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich von Hayek in their long debate on the topic through the middle decades of the 20th century.

Let’s consider two hypothetical extremes in the state-market relationship. The first is a seamless global market in which individuals can maximize their material benefits without any state intervention. The problem with this scenario is that you may live in a country that is vulnerable to all the negative consequences of no-holds-barred globalization, such as currency devaluation, labor exploitation, the flouting of intellectual property laws and so forth.

The other extreme is a world comprising entirely isolated autarchic states, where individuals are protected from external economic forces and the state has full autonomy over domestic affairs. In this scenario, you will have to forgo all the well-known economic benefits of the global division of labor.

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Why Brexit Is A Blow to the Oligarchs [Video]

James Corbett – In order to understand Brexit in its full historical context, we must know about the origins and motivations for the formation of the European Union and the forces that have shaped the EU bureaucracy into an arm of the IMF/World Bank-led Wall Street hegemon.

Today Professor Michel Chossudovsky joins us to expose the EU as the imperial project that it always was, and the growing movement against EU domination as an anti-imperial movement of world historical importance.

SF Source Corbett Report  July 2016

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