Jean Claude Juncker: Aliens Worried About Brexit [w/ Video]

uropeanAlexandra Bruce – A story about the weird coup in Turkey belongs here today but there is a distinct Reichstag aroma in the air and we’re still trying to sort it out.

It certainly seems unlikely that Fethullah Güllen, the US-based moderate Sunni cleric accused by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of staging the coup is personally guilty of anything of the kind. The brand of Islam preached by Güllen is refreshingly tolerant of other faiths and embraces science, maths and equal opportunity of education for girls and boys.

On the other hand, the Turkish military has historically defended the secular state founded by Kemal Atatürk against past Executive leaders, who like Erdogan began to impose a more theocratic order. The Turkish Army has staged two such coups over the past century and this coup had the ear markings of another of these except that there are indications that it was actually staged by Erdogan.

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Be Wary

Michael Noonan – BREXIT opened a Pandora’s Box for the EU.  Will the globalists shut it closed and then reseal it for generations to come?  Something may be rotten in the state of Denmark, but the stench emitting from Brussels  has been overpowering Europe.  People in the Western world are being manipulated each and every day by the elite’s mainstream press with everything that can be construed as potentially negative that stems from BREXIT as a scapegoat.

The world is drowning in debt created by the central bankers and force-fed to states like a goose being fattened for foie gras.  Always, always follow the money.  Almost everything wrong in the world today can be traced to debt, debt that has been foisted upon states and people by bankers for the sole purpose of enriching only the shadow globalists.  At the end of the day, the tab gets passed onto everyone else to pay.  That is the sole purpose of the bail-outs and bail-ins.  Nothing else, not even you, matters to the elites.

Where did all of the trillions and trillions of newly created “money” go?  Back to repay the banks that loaned it out at interest.  Greece is a perfect example.  Where did most of the Greek bail-out money go?  Not to the nation.  Not to the state.  Not to the people.  Almost all of it went to repay the bank loans, and not from Greek banks, but from the elite’s IMF.

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Disintegration & Overthrow of Global Elite Regime [w/ Video]

KriegerGreg Hunter – Former Wall Street analyst and journalist Michael Krieger contends the recent so-called “Brexit” chaos is signaling something much bigger than coming economic trouble. Krieger explains, “I think the biggest thing with Brexit, and I think it is far bigger than an economic downturn, is the disintegration and ultimately the overthrow of the entire status quo regime, the entire post WWII establishment.

That’s way bigger than an economic decline. It’s way bigger than the economic decline in 2008 and 2009. When you think about it, since 1945, we’ve had all kinds of economic declines. We’ve had bear markets and bull markets, but the status quo, the establishment, the basic principles that have been guiding the world for, let’s say 80 years now, those are what are going to be overthrown, and that is a way bigger deal than an economic downturn, in my opinion.”

System too indebted. Is collapsing

On the odds of a financial crash, Krieger contends, “In my writings, when I first came out of Wall Street, I focused on debt, I focused on economics and I focused on financial markets. I did all of that stuff, but I stopped doing that for one simple reason. It was obvious to me . . . that this thing had only one way to go, which is a complete collapse of everything.

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This System Is Dead – Harley Schlanger [Audio]

SGT Report – Harley Schlanger joins us for this inspirational discussion about the Brexit vote and the chaos that is having a very real, direct effect on the NWO globalist power structure and the City of London banksters.

Harley says, the Brexit vote didn’t cause the chaos, it existed long before the vote. But Brexit does create “an opportunity for men of courage who have been speaking quietly behind the scenes to come forward and say THIS SYSTEM IS DEAD! We cannot reform it. We have to move out from under it.”

And for the naysayers that claim this is all being done by design, Harley reports, “They’re seeing their whole system collapse… Some people will say, they want confusion, the want chaos. They have it. THEY HAD IT BEFORE THE BREXIT VOTE.”

SF Source  July 2016

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Brexit is the Match that Ignites the Powder Keg

SchiffGreg Hunter – Money manager Peter Schiff says don’t believe the so-called “Brexit” was the real cause of the recent chaos in the financial markets. Schiff explains, “If the global financial system and the markets were healthy, ‘Brexit’ would be a non-event.  I mean what difference does it make in the scheme of things if the UK is not part of the EU?

In a healthy economy, it would just shrug it off, but because we have anything else but a healthy financial system, it’s all a gigantic bubble.  It’s a house of cards.  That’s how fragile it is, and it’s all propped up with cheap money, negative interest rates and quantitative easing.  Everybody is confident that the central banks and politicians can keep these bubbles in the air that they are juggling.  Now, all of a sudden, something goes wrong that they didn’t expect.  It shows that the government is losing control, and this is the wake-up call.  This is what has everybody so scared. This is the match that ignites the powder keg, but the powder keg was there all along.”

So is the Fed going to start more easy money and printing money because of the current financial chaos? Schiff says, “It may be the excuse because they were going to do it anyway.  The market is now pricing in a higher probability of a rate cut than a rate hike, but I said that back in December.

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