The WORMs of Karma and Trauma

The WORMs of Karma and TraumaJennifer Hoffman – Hold onto your hats and buckle up as we enter a portal of transformation this week starting with an aspect that has not happened in over 2000 years, the nodes at 29 Aries/Libra square Pluto in late Capricorn. I checked and I could not find a reference for this aspect.

Why is this relevant? Because the great transformer Pluto meets up with the signs that represent action and balance at a time when we’re in the Great Awakening and an exponentially powerful ascension cycle. Transformation with a capital T. Continue reading

The Bridge

The bridgeNancy Wallace Ward  – Tuning in to the Vastness of Being and the Wisdom of Source….

Wisdom of Source is coming through – stepping up the communication at this time. Feel your energy flowing out from you tapping into timelines – they are like threads of light – there is one that is prominent. Journey forward with your heart…

I see high winds, fires, floods… climate issues – bringing Humanity to its knees. Dark night of the human soul. I also see awakening blossoming like flowers of light within people. Our awareness is expanding into knowing and experiencing all life as sacred. A true experience of sacredness. There is joy amidst the chaos, for people are opening to experience their connection to all of life and to each other. Continue reading