Burnout. Balance. Boundaries. Breakthroughs.

Burnout. Balance. Boundaries. Breakthroughs.Dana Mrkich – Talk to almost anyone lately and they’ll be experiencing one or more of these 4 themes. Myself included!

Burnout is an over-used term but interestingly enough is under-used by the increasing number of people who are experiencing it. It’s most often associated with over-work, high-pressure environments and lack of work/life balance, but can happen due to any ongoing situation causing excessive or prolonged stress be it due to grief, (whether due to the loss of a loved one or multiple bereavements, losses or profound change across different life areas), issues related to health, relationship challenges/breakdowns, finances, legal matters, parenting or caring for elderly family members. Continue reading

I Need a Break: Signs of Burnout

I Need a Break: Signs of BurnoutDo you know what to do when you’ve reached the end of this line? Actually, the question is a bit different – can you tell when it’s time to take a break, recharge your batteries, turn the page, and start fresh?

Most people don’t know when they’re experiencing burnout. They try to ram through it, thinking that they’ll eventually be successful. The only issue is that burnout can be pushed and stretched indefinitely, without you even realizing it.

As such, here are seven signs/things that should tell you to stop, spend some time breathing, and get over your burnout! Continue reading

Signs You’re Heading Towards Burnout

burnoutTanaaz – When we are not in balance, life has a way of taking over and running away with us. This typically occurs when all of those emotional stresses, work stresses, financial stresses, lifestyle stresses, and so on begin piling up and become a hot mess just waiting to happen.

When these stresses reach the point of over flow, often it leads to extreme burnout, fatigue and even depression, which can be challenging to recover from. This is why it is important to observe the signs and do something about them before they start to pile up.

On an energetic level, most of us store stresses in our solar plexus and heart chakras. When these chakras become overloaded it can lead to anxiety attacks, absent mindedness, confusion, frustration and mood swings.

Physical symptoms can also manifest such as skin conditions, muscle tension, tummy aches, indigestion, and just a general feeling of tiredness. Continue reading