I Need a Break: Signs of Burnout

I Need a Break: Signs of BurnoutDo you know what to do when you’ve reached the end of this line? Actually, the question is a bit different – can you tell when it’s time to take a break, recharge your batteries, turn the page, and start fresh?

Most people don’t know when they’re experiencing burnout. They try to ram through it, thinking that they’ll eventually be successful. The only issue is that burnout can be pushed and stretched indefinitely, without you even realizing it.

As such, here are seven signs/things that should tell you to stop, spend some time breathing, and get over your burnout!

Lack of Motivation

Let’s say that a certain task takes you 30 minutes to complete. Cue in lack of motivation and you start spending one hour or more on a simple task. This lack of motivation does not hurt only your productivity but also the way other people look at you.

If you notice that you don’t feel the same motivation as before, maybe it’s time to take a break.

Incredible Exhaustion

Moving on with the same 30-minute task example, you might also experience incredible exhaustion after only 10-15 minutes of work. In short, you get sick of working long before you actually clock in or turn on your PC.

Exhaustion is not the same thing as lack of motivation, mainly because an entire day marked by exhaustion eventually leads to insomnia and sleep restlessness.

Focus Issues

Naturally, we’re still in the same area! The same 30-minute task can be extended indefinitely if you lack focus or have trouble focusing. On top of that, a lack of focus can also lead to you making various mistakes that could cost you your job.

Trouble focusing shouldn’t be treated lightly as it can cause unrepairable mistakes in your work or relationships with your clients, coworkers, or superiors.

Burning with a Short Fuse

Obviously, you will explode much faster if you’re experiencing burnout. Are your feet restless and keep on tapping on the floor while you wait for that one program to load? Or maybe you don’t have the same patience you used to have when training newbies?

These are signs of a short fuse and, indirectly, signs of burnout. When it takes too little for you to lose your cool, maybe a trip to the pool will help!

Health Problems

Burnout can lead to stress as well. Stress, on the other hand, when paired with burnout can cause certain health problems – some of which come with bills that you won’t want to deal with given your state.

For example, burnout is usually accompanied by an upset stomach, quick and fierce colds, and various complaints related to sore muscles and restlessness.

Your Job on Your Mind – Always

When you feel like your weekend is no longer a weekend as you keep on thinking about your projects or your job, you’re in deep burnout.

Regardless of the area that you work in, free time should be free time and you should never spend time worrying about your project if you’re not actively getting paid for it.

Picking Up Bad Habits

Last but not least, a stressed and burnt out individual will start to pick up bad habits that are known throughout the world as helpful when it comes to such situations. Here, we refer mainly to coffee, energy drinks, smoking, betting, and so on.

Given the need for change that comes with burnout, people that don’t take a break from their job will look for other, worse ways to blow off steam.

The Bottom Line

If you ever experience any of the above, then you’re in burnout and you have to press stop on the cassette of your life for a bit. But what to do while you’re paused?

Well, look for ways to increase your serotonin and take advantage of your time off. Since the relaxation of the body and the mind create serotonin, a quick browse of the shop.joyorganics.com website will introduce you to the CBD products that you need to fully relax!

Shift Frequency © 2021 – I Need a Break: Signs of Burnout

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