Pedophiles in Power – Geneva Business Insider [Video]


This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss the latest information on the unfolding pedophile scandal in the UK. They also talk about the US State Department’s approval of Kiev’s air strikes on civilians and the state of the European banking sector.

Show Notes & MP3:

SF Source corbettreport  July 11 2014

Even the Ancient Roman Empire Wasn’t as Unequal as America

Gus Lubin (Business Insider) | RS_News
December  17 2011

Business InsiderSome 1,500 years after the fall of the Roman Empire, the supposedly advanced and progressive United States of America is plagued by even worse income inequality.

Tim De Chant at Per Square Mile reached this conclusion based on a study by historians Walter Schiedel and Steven Friesen.

Rome’s top 1% controlled 16 percent of the wealth, compared to modern America where the top 1% controls 40 percent of the wealth.

Looking at the Gini coefficient, where 0 means perfect equality and 1 means perfect inequality, Rome measured between 0.42 and 0.44. Modern America scores worse at 0.45, and some areas are much worse like Fairfield County, Conn. with an alarming 0.54.

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