Trudeau Smashes the Freedom Convoy

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Justin TrudeauDouglas Andrews – That was George Orwell, writing in 1949 about 1984. He was trying to describe a dystopian future in the imaginary superpower of Oceania. But were he alive today, he might just as well have been trying to describe the dystopian present in the very real non-superpower of Canada, where fake claims of racism and white supremacy have become the last refuge of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his fellow statist scoundrels.

Trudeau played the “Nazi” card last week, which is a standard ploy for desperate leftists who find themselves losing an argument on the merits — in this case, an argument over continued vaccine mandates in the midst of a receding pandemic. Continue reading

Trudeau Admits Real Purpose of Martial Law Is To ‘Terrify Canadians’

emergency powersSean Adl-Tabatabai – PM Justin Trudeau admits real purpose of imposing martial law is to terrify Canadians into submission
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted on Tuesday that the real purpose of invoking emergency powers is to terrify ordinary Canadians into submission so they do not rise up against the ‘New World Order.’

Trudeau defended his invocation of the Emergencies Act after a Parliamentary session Tuesday when asked whether he’d “gone too far” in granting the government the unprecedented powers to seize citizens’ bank accounts. Continue reading

Humanity Withdraws Consent From Globalist Tyrants

The Canadian truckers and freedom protesters deserve huge credit for bringing humanity to a tipping point against tyranny. Thanks to the courage, determination and dedication to peace that’s demonstrated by Canada’s protesters, humanity is withdrawing its consent from government tyrants all over the world.

Canadian Protest

Globalism is crashing, and centralization of power is being ripped to shreds. The entire model of globalism is dead, and no human being that’s aware and alive right now wants to return to a society structured as a top-down, totalitarian, centralized control system of global enslavement run by a few hundred hyper-wealthy freakazoids like Zuckerberg and Mr.GatesOfHell. Continue reading

Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers Attack, Says Trudeau

CanadaCJ Hopkins – They rolled up on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill like one of the plagues in the Book of Revelations, honking their infernal air horns, the grills of their tractors grinning demonically, the sides of their dry vans painted with blasphemies like “Freedom To Choose,” “Mandate Freedom,” “No Vaccine Mandates,” And “United Against Tyranny.”

Yes, that’s right, New Normal Canada has been invaded and now is under siege by hordes of transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers, racist homophobes, anti-Semitic Islamaphobes, and other members of the working classes! Continue reading