From Darkness To Light- Integrating the Shadow Within

shadowLouisa Love – Much of the work I am focusing my attention on at the moment is about integrating the shadow. What does it mean to integrate the shadow? And what is the shadow

The shadow is anything we feel ashamed about, or it can also be seen as our repressed inner child that demands being heard during certain emotional trigger points. The shadow emerges its dark head when we are challenged and it usually causes havoc within our relationships. Continue reading

The theme for March is: “Turbulence Ahead”

The theme for March is: “Turbulence Ahead”Lena Stevens – This is an exciting time that will be inspiring to some and terrifying to others. Make sure your seat belts are fastened and your basic security needs are met.

This is a month where some of you will be delighted and inspired by the ignition of creative energy fueling the intentions and projects that were stagnant in their movement forward.

Others of you may be hit with karmic completions that rear their heads for you to deal with before anything else can move forward. And some of you will still feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount of clearing and releasing and uncluttering that still needs to be done. Continue reading

Got Challenges? See Opportunities!

opportunity The Angels – Challenges will always be part of life, but you will always have the opportunity to see them as opportunities. By their very nature, challenges are situations that you don’t know how, or if, you can handle. When you see something as a challenge, your personality is not certain it is up for the task!

When you face a challenge, “who you think you are” feels limited. “Who you really are” has no bounds or limits whatsoever.

In each challenge, you have the opportunity to embrace more deeply, “who you really are.” Continue reading

Challenging Changes and Creative Choices

choicesJennifer Hoffman – Nothing is more upsetting than to face a life challenge when we believe that we won’t have to deal with those issues again once we arrive at a certain level in our ascension cycle.

It is unfortunate that there is misleading information that this happens and it is not true. While this can be upsetting it is a test of our self awareness, self esteem, our boundaries, and of how many choices and options we can create for ourselves. While we’re still operating in 3D in the ascension cycle we are not on a limited, one-choice, linear path and that is what we can celebrate when we are faced with challenging changes that demand creative choices.

As you watch the video think about a current life challenge you’re facing. What is your first and most obvious choice and the one that responds to your fears?

Take a step back and engage your intuition — what are other choices you could consider and don’t judge them, let your empowered thinking create some other choices.  Continue reading

The Light In the Dark

darknessMary O’Malley – In a few days, we will be celebrating the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. Even though we will begin experiencing increasingly more daylight after December 21st, it can feel like the darkness on our planet is intensifying and the light diminishing. This can evoke fear if we don’t understand the fertility of the dark.

A way to get straight to the truth that darkness may not be something to be afraid of is to look at manure! Here is a substance that we deem has a high ‘yuck ‘factor and doesn’t smell so good. And yet when you till it into the earth, it grows beautiful flowers.

The same is true in our lives. The dark times, the times when the challenges feel unmeetable, are not here because you have done something wrong or God fell asleep on the job. Your challenges may feel like sh*t, but they are really fertilizer for your growth. Just as deep in the darkness of the earth are diamonds, rubies and emeralds, your darkest challenges come with gems of truth hidden within them.

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