Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

divine loveThe Angels – Breathe, dear ones. In every breath your life is birthed anew. In every breath the Christ light that came into the world in the form of a little child so many years ago has an opportunity to be birthed again, within you. In every breath, a light that can never be extinguished grows within your heart, illuminating your mind, comforting your emotions, and radiating outward via your every thought, word, and deed into a world in need of love.

Within each of you exists the energy of the manger and the energy of the Christ light. Within each of you exists the energy of the lamps that burn brightly. Within each of you exists the spark of Divine Love that gives you life! Celebrate dear ones! You are the bearers of this light! You are the emissaries of this love! You are the lights upon our tree, the stars in our sky, and the precious souls who have incarnated to remember, once and forever, that you are never disconnected from this light. You are never separate from this love.

Our wish for you in the new year is that you remember that love is eternally yours. Love lives within you. Love exists in our hearts for each and every one of you. With every breath you take consciously and deeply, you draw this light unto you! You expand it within you! When you have a desire, breathe it in and allow the love for this desire to expand within you. When you have a challenge, breathe, and know you are breathing in solutions and assistance. When you care about someone and don’t know what to do, breathe, knowing that as you fill yourself with love, it cannot help but spill over into the lives of those you love. Continue reading

A Challenging First Quarter Moon

firstHenry Seltzer – Thursday evening’s First Quarter Moon comes at a crucial time in the midst of an intense summer of outer planet activity. Pluto was greatly emphasized in the recent New Moon, implying that the major transformation he symbolizes is very much with us over the next several weeks. Additionally, all the following planets are either stationing — meaning that they are standing still in the sky and changing their direction of motion — or getting ready to station:

  • Eris just recently, on the 19th;
  • Venus in square with Saturn, on the 25th;
  • Uranus, in conjunction with Eris, on the 26th;
  • Saturn, himself, on August 1st.

I include the new planet, Eris, in this list because she has proven to be significant in charts, embodying the archetype of a Feminine Warrior, by which I imply taking a strong stand for yourself and for your deepest soul intention.

This is a relevant theme for the current lunation cycle, as indicated by the recent mid-July New Moon being in precise square to Eris. The most compelling public statement of this symbolism would be, in this country, the presidential election run of Bernie Sanders. Whether or not you like his politics, it seems certain that his primarily motivation is a desire to strongly express that in which he most deeply believes. Continue reading

Oracle Report – Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Great Falls Park, Virginia – Photo by Tara

First Quarter Moon in Libra: step out, take action

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Restores Stability)

God of Will: Ian (God of the East)

Skill: seeing and holding the true values of life

True Alignments: breaks in the chain, alchemy (magical changes from one state to another) highest ideals beginning to take shape or see the light, advancement, generating energy, balance, appreciation, embarking, clear vision, lighthearted, innocence and sincerity

Catalysts for Change: suppressed creativity, power plays, manipulating words and speech to persuade or cover up, wasting, clouding or redirecting focus from the issue, imbalance, lack of appreciation, perfectionism, insecurities

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

A layer in the heaviness of the energy lifts today with the start of the First Quarter Moon phase. The double-Crescent or “doubly challenging” energetic signatures have ended. The remainder of the lunar month still carriers the underlying current of Crescent (challenging) energy, but not to the level it was over the past four days. Continue reading

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

assistThe angels – The entire universe is designed to operate in a harmonious dance of divine synchronization. If you listen to your heart’s guidance, you will find yourself easily drawn to those you can assist or uplift and as well those dear souls who can assist and uplift you.

You are never alone and there is never a time when your needs are ignored. Look at all of creation! Ecosystems operate in a delicate and beautiful balance. Planets revolve precisely around stars which revolve in a graceful dance in the galaxies. Everything and every being in the natural universe is guided, cared for, and cherished in the heavens.

The human mind, however, loves to think of itself as separate. It is like a computer – a beautiful, amazing computer that you were gifted with upon your incarnation into this earthly life. It is a tool to be used, but not ever intended to be an authority over your heart.

So when you have a need or desire, before you even try to “figure out” how to handle or create it, stop and sit quietly. Breathe and focus on what it is you wish to create – perhaps a problem being solved, a challenge overcome, or an dream you would love to see manifest in your life. Place your attention there first. Then say a little prayer… Continue reading