Choose Your Battles Wisely

Choose Your Battles WiselyLorna Bevan – On October 10th, Pluto turning direct followed by the Libra Solar eclipse on October 14th lit the fuse to a powder keg in world affairs. This week the Full Moon Eclipse at 5° Taurus on October 28 2023 intensifies the polarization.

Eclipses deliver pressurized concentrated experiences when crises-organic or manufactured – often erupt – this is not head stuff but felt somatically in your body. A lot happens in a short time. Continue reading

October 2023 Energy Report

October 2023 Energy ReportJennifer Hoffman – I know it feels like we’re in a never ending cycle of chaos, confusion, and calamity. The world feels dark and we’re ready for the light to come in and brighten away all of the darkness away. That is happening now although not as quickly as we would like for it to. Although we know chaos is a by-product of dis-integration and confusion is part of the 4D bridge transcension it isn’t helpful when you have been standing on the 5D side of 4D waiting for the bridge to be rolled up so we can get on with the rest of our ascension journey.

It is happening and we have seen a lot happen since May and even in the past 3 years, although much of it was not exactly what we thought would be included in our ascension experience. We did not expect the tyranny, control, and yet we should not have been surprised at this outcome.

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You Are Changing The World

OwenKWatersCould it be that trend setters are operating at a higher frequency of consciousness than the trend followers, and that the higher frequency carries with it a greater influence?

That’s exactly what David Hawkins discovered when he researched the scale of human consciousness. His book, ‘Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants in Human Behavior,’ reveals some fascinating properties of human consciousness. In it, he created and calibrated an enormously useful map of human consciousness, one which should rightfully be called, “The Hawkins Scale of Consciousness.” Continue reading

Life Lessons Discovered While Plucking Weeds In The Garden

“Be conscious of your thoughts and actions, so that you can quickly identify when you’ve stopped being focused on the task at hand and self-correct your behaviour.” T Schomburg

1. You must remove all negative influences from your life

Select 6 Life Lessons I Discovered While Plucking Weeds In The Garden 6 Life Lessons I Discovered While Plucking Weeds In The GardenTina Schomburg – Plucking weeds isn’t just an aesthetic practice to keep your garden clean. It’s an essential practice to keep your fruit-producing plants healthy. Weeds are known to feed off the nutrients in the soil, leaving the plants around them starved and depleted.

You likely have had or still have people in your inner circle that simply drain you. Being around them, you may find yourself wondering, ‘Why do I continue to surround myself with this person?’ Our friends are supposed to make us feel refreshed, energized, happy, inspired and loved. Continue reading

Embrace Change and Find Authenticity – Mining Negative Feelings

mining negative emotionsThe Angels – Breathe for just a second. Take in our love. Rest in that. Your world is going through tremendous change right now. During the pandemic, you all dove deep within. You faced yourselves. Without the distractions of your regular life, you were alone with your feelings about yourself, your life, and others.

You learned very quickly whether you loved or hated being alone. Your desire for deeper, more authentic connections intensified. Your love of nature blossomed. Your feelings of fear or loneliness intensified in many cases. You noticed whether or not you liked working from home or in the office. You figured out whether you appreciated your work or wanted to start a new business. Continue reading