A Last Quarter Moon of Awakening to Truth

moonLeslie Benson – The May 26th Last Quarter Moon is a subtle call to inspiration and higher consciousness as an intense lunation cycle of May draws to its conclusion. This final lunar phase is the time when the brilliant light of the Moon is three quarters of the way in its journey of ultimately fading back into darkness.

We symbolically see this as a time of letting go, surrendering and exhale. We find the Moon at 5º in watery nebulous Pisces making a square aspect to the Sun in quick-minded Gemini, AND, interestingly, completing a T-square with the asteroid Ceres in the expansive fires of Sagittarius. This paints a picture of dynamic tension that’s asking us to focus on what really nourishes us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and to let go of the things we reach for out of habit or addiction that don’t truly feed us.

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Full Moon / Equinox Update 3-20-19

The Full Moon is on Wednesday, March 20th at 7:42pm  with the Equinox being on the same day at 3:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

full moonLena Stevens – This is a Super Moon and a rare and powerful event with the Equinox landing on the same day. You have an opportunity, a portal through which this power comes through, to set some intentions for potent and inspired new beginnings.  All those things you have been dreaming about can now be supported by the fertility of this Equinox. But be careful what you ask for. Make sure it is what you want and not someone else’s dream.

The power of this full moon will energize whatever you put into motion. It is a feminine time but supported by the masculine. A perfect combination of balance between the Sun and the Moon. So we honor both of them on this day. What do want to plant the seeds for, to give birth to, to have manifest in your life? How are you willing to take disciplined action to make it happen? What are you willing to change, give up and push through to move forward into a new landscape? Continue reading

A March Month of Mysticism and Self-Reflection

marchHenry Seltzer – The March month brings along with it, early in the month, a potent Pisces New Moon, another introspective retrograde of Mercury that is also associated with Pisces, contained entirely within that sign, and the Spring Equinox –properly called the Aries Equinox in the Southern hemisphere – that features a Full Moon later that evening.

This is another quite significant lunation, bringing Chiron and Uranus into the picture of this important seasonal configuration. Indeed, there are several astrological indicators for a rather crazy time, beginning with the Pisces New Moon of March 6th in almost exact conjunction with Neptune. We also note that, coincident with the March 6th New Moon, Uranus enters the first degree of Taurus, this time planning to stay.

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The End Days of a Collective Cycle: Astrology Forecast December 9–16, 2018

chironLorna Bevan – A 50 year collective cycle enters its last weeks on Sunday December 9th, as the last and master degrees of the world chart.

If you’re old enough, think back to Spring 1968 and the shift in the zeitgeist. If you were born around then, you’re experiencing your Chiron Return — a watershed season of coming to terms with your past before facing the last third of life in a new way.

Centaur Chiron is the Shaman, the bridge builder, the pattern maker and the medicine for your Achilles Heel — your primal wound. Chiron functions as a holographic influence; its role is to promote wholeness, balance and integration in an era of fragmentation and radical imbalance. Such is the nature of the Centaurs. They represent raw impulses and needs in you that clash with the normal order of things, as if they were all sick. They appear to be coming from the opposite side of the Sun, from the “otherness” of our lives, making you face a lost part of yourself, so that the experience becomes both intense and healing, making you more whole. However, it also makes you very fragile and vulnerable, so that it is the cure and its opposite at the same time. Continue reading

Oracle Report Monday, November 12, 2018

Photographer Steffi

Laura Walker – We have a big astrological week ahead. Let’s look at how it begins today:

1 – Values, Values, Values – I have written about values a lot since Venus stationed retrograde on October 5th. That seems like an eternity ago! In many ways it was.

Every day of Venus’ retrograde is significant. In 42 days, Venus tries to do what usually takes it 18 months to do.

So, each day of the retrograde, our ideas about what we truly value change or become fine-tuned. This is why I suggested we make a list of the things we value when Venus went retrograde. It is a good idea to break out this list today and review it. How have the things on your list evolved or devolved since October 5th? Continue reading