An Arcturian Promise And Human Misinformation

An Arcturian Promise And Human MisinformationDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are bringing more light and love through to all of you there on Earth in every moment of every day. Every opportunity that comes before us, we seize upon because we know how important it is for you all to be receiving that which is coming to you from a higher-dimensional plane.

We are now competing with your many, many sources of entertainment, information, and infotainment. We are aware that there is so much out there that you can tune yourselves in to for knowledge and for spiritual guidance, but also for versions of reality. Continue reading

To be you is essential. It always has been

To be you is essential. It always has beenJohn Smallman – As you wait expectantly and enthusiastically for your awakening, Know that you are all most highly honored and loved by us here in the non-physical realms for just being who you are, and also for the essential part you are each Being in the collective awakening process.

It is happening right now, as I keep telling you, and your joy when you reach the actual and experiential moment of your own individual awakening is way beyond your ability to imagine. Just know, as you truly do, that it is happening, that it is inevitable, and that it is irreversible. Continue reading

Why Madness Rules

Why Madness RulesPeter Van Els – For centuries absolute power and the associated privileges were in the hands of aristocrats, the nobility and the ecclesiastical authorities. Their will was truth and law. That changed when the French Revolution broke out. (1789–1799) Old ideas of absolutism, aristocracy and the power of the church were replaced by ideals, in the following words; ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

The individual was central, people had the right to individuality, the right to freedom and choice. The right to be, the ‘I’ became the center. Rene Descrates, French Philosopher (1596-1650) had already given a pass, because he made the following statement: “I think, therefore I am”, in 2023 it is: “I consume, therefore I am.” Continue reading

You’re Too Important to Let Others Lower Your Vibe

You’re Too Important to Let Others Lower Your VibeDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are aware of ourselves and aware of our relationship to all other beings and collectives in this vast universe of ours. We know what our purpose is in regards to every single other being and collective, and that is a very good feeling to have within ourselves.

We have ascended to the ninth dimension, which is a frequency range that makes it easier for us to hold that awareness within us. We understand that it is harder for you to hold that awareness in the fourth dimension.  Continue reading

Duality – Your Intuitive Gift

Duality - Your Intuitive GiftLee Carroll – This is not a long message, but it’s a profound one. We told you that duality is not a negative word and that it doesn’t indicate a struggle. Even though some would define it as a struggle, it is a gift.

It is an intuitive gift from the Original Source of your creation, which allows you to choose without judgment.

As a Human Being with sentience and intelligence, each of you has the ability to work the puzzle of life and decide what energies you wish to gravitate toward. It’s so easy to call these energies light and dark, but it’s not that simple. We often do that for basic understanding. Continue reading