Light Up the Dark Night of the Soul

graceJennifer Hoffman – The soul and ego create an agreement for each lifetime in which the soul provides the opportunities for learning and healing that the ego agrees to complete. This is the soul mission and the life purpose of each lifetime.

There is no final agreement as to how this outcome will be fulfilled, for that is within the realm of the ego and free will. There is an opportunity to express the soul’s intention for the highest and best outcome but the ego must be able to release its attachment to the resistant energies that it has created and to be willing to raise its vibration for this to occur.

Often this agreement becomes a battle between the ego and free will against the soul and the life journey becomes challenging. The crisis point in this battle is what you call the ‘dark night of the soul’ but it is actually the soul’s attempt to shed light on the darkness or density that the ego is holding. Continue reading