Obesity & Diabetes Soar In Mexican Town Where Coca-Cola Is Used As Drinking Water

Cola plantNiamh Harris – A Mexican town is running so low on water that the  locals are using Coca-cola as an alternative.

In the town, situated next to a Coca-Cola plant which is draining the local water supply, the sugary concoction is not only drunk but used in religious ceremonies and even as a currency.

Meanwhile obesity and diabetes is soaring among the local residents and Coca-cola accepts no responsibility for creating a public health crisis.

RT reports: Cristobal de las Casas, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, has for years been caught between an inept local government and a multinational corporation which is draining its local water supply in a case of crony capitalism at its worst. Continue reading

South America’s Largest Reserve of Water To Be Privatized By Coca-Cola and Nestlé

Coca-ColaNiamh Harris – Coca-Cola and Nestlé are are reportedly in the process of privatizing the largest reserve of water in South America.

Known as the Guarani Aquifer, it is located beneath the surface of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay and is also the second largest-known aquifer system in the world.

The big corporations are plundering the planet to profit off a natural resource that should be freely available to all….former Nestle boss Peter Brabeck-Letmathe has already claimed thatwater is not a human right and should be privatized and controlled.

Truth Theory reports:

Reported by Correiodo Brasil the major transnational conglomerates are “striding forward” with their negotiations to privatize the aquifer system. Meetings have already been reserved with authorities of the current government, such as Michel Temer, to outline procedures required for private companies to exploit the water sources. The concession contracts will last more than 100 years. Continue reading

Coca-Cola’s ‘Simply Orange’ Juice Is Just Not That Simple. Have A Look At This…

You’d think with a name like “Simple Orange” that a product would be natural, healthy, and well, simple. Coca-Cola’s Simple Orange is anything but simple.

juiceIn fact, Bloomberg Business week is calling it a “hyper-engineered and dauntingly industrial product.” While the name implies that the product is nothing but orange juice, it is actually created by a process called The Black Book. That doesn’t sound simple at all…

Juice production is a process that is full of variables including, most importantly, a very short 3 month growing season. This is why the Black Book method is used, to create a consistent juice product throughout the year. Basically, Black Book is an algorithm that includes consumer data combined with the 600 flavors of an orange. This data is used to create a profile for acidity, sweetness, etc. so that they can magically blend orange juices together to make a consistent product. Black Book also contains weather patterns, crop yields, and cost pressures. Way far from simple…

What about the juice itself? That starts when Coca-Cola’s Brazilian partner, Cutrale, processes the oranges that are grown to a certain specification based on type, acidity, and sweetness. Satellite imagery is used to tell when to pick the oranges, all fueled by Black Book data. The fresh squeezed juice is then stored in Cutrales’s silos, and transported to a Coca-Cola packaging plant via 1.2 mile underground pipeline. Once in the Coca-Cola plant, the juice is flash pasteurized and stored in a process where all of the oxygen is removed to prevent spoiling. The final step is a blanket of nitrogen gas. Again, nothing about this is simple… Continue reading

Coca-Cola Caught Running Massive Payola Scheme

coca-colaNo matter what junk science the global corporations are trying to push, there’s always a long list of scientists, doctors and journalists ready to accept some payola money to spread their propaganda. The latest example comes from the Coca-Cola company, which paid “fitness and nutrition experts” to place pro-Coke articles in over 1,000 news websites (including major newspapers) to position Coca-Cola as a “healthy snack.”

Yep. Guzzling a can full of high fructose corn syrup, phosphoric acid and chemical flavorings is being pawned off as “healthy” in America’s corporate-run media circus.

Like most corporate lies, this is all being done under the banner of “SCIENCE!” As Coca-Cola explains, this effort is merely designed “…to help bring context to the latest facts and science around our products and ingredients,” says Coca-Cola. (Source = AP story link below.)

Yep, if you think drinking Coca-Cola with all its genetically modified high fructose corn syrup isn’t incredibly healthy, then you’re “anti-science” because you’re opposed to the twisted quack science the corporations are pushing through payola schemes that place their propaganda on willing mainstream media websites.

Associated Press exposes ethics violations of corporate payola schemes

To her credit, Associated Press writer Candice Choi wrote a very informative article on this, exposing ethics violations that are abundantly obvious in such “payola journalism” deals.

Now, it’s one thing to ethically promote truly healthful solutions that benefit readers. After all, I sometimes announce new superfood products here on Natural News, fully disclosing why these products are cleaner (heavy metals lab testing, for example) and explaining that they are available at the Natural News Store. That’s honest news about a new solution that benefits people. But to accept money to promote something that causes diabetes, obesity and kidney stones is another matter entirely. Coca-Cola soft drinks directly contribute to serious chronic diseases that destroy lives and cause enormous suffering. Accepting money to push Coke as a “healthy snack” is not just highly unethical, it’s also a blatant sellout to corporations whose products contribute to disease.

Shameless writers plug Coke for money

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Big Food Lobbying Group Spends Millions To Keep Consumers In The Dark

EWG  October 1 2013


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Environmental Working Group (EWG) today called out the big food lobbying group, Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), for dropping an additional $5 million into a campaign to defeat a popular Washington state referendum initiative to label genetically engineered food.

Recent polling shows the measure is supported by the majority of people in the state, who want the same right that exists in more than 60 countries around the world.

“The GMA claims to be the voice for more than 300 food and beverage companies that depend on consumer trust and loyalty to stay in business,” said Ken Cook, EWG’s president. “Yet GMA is spending millions on behalf of those companies to deny consumers the right to know more information about the food they eat and feed to their families. Clearly some big food companies want to keep their customers in the dark about what’s in our food. Now they also want to hide millions in campaign contributions to defeat the GE labeling measure on the ballot in Washington state this November.”

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