10 Superfoods To Improve Digestion & Gut Health

Jeff Roberts – Our digestive tract, also known as our gut, is one of the most sensitive and interconnected systems in our body. We now know that our our gut is directly linked to our brain health, with both systems having the ability to communicate via the nervous system, hormones, and the immune system, meaning that our gut is essentially a portal to our overall health and mental well-being.

gutUnfortunately, many of us suffer from defective guts, caused by years of damage from foods that inflame or perforate our gut lining and promote the growth of ‘bad’ bacteria while lessening the ‘good’ bacteria, also known as probiotics. Some of these uncomfortable diseases can go unnoticed for decades, such as leaky gut or IBS, slowly ticking away at your quality of life until chronic disease manifests.

However, the good news is that we have the ability to heal our damaged guts, over time, by cutting out certain dietary triggers and replacing them with the right food sources.

Dr. Mercola has put together a wonderful list of 10 gut-healing superfoods that everyone should be incorporating into their regular diet regime, here they are!

10) Aloe Vera

As Mercola explains, “aloe vera gel is rich in enzymes and has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory, making it useful for soothing a number of digestive complaints.”

Aloe also contains high amounts of an immune-stimulating polysaccharide, especially mannose, which has been shown to induce white blood cells to secrete interferon, tumor necrosis factor, and beneficial cytokines.

Aloe is useful in the fight against: Continue reading