Learning From And Communicating With Animals

“That’s why if we really want an answer to a particular question in life, one of the best solutions is to ask an animal. Because they have no ego, no individual thought “this is what ‘I’ want to do now”, the guiding Deva can coordinate synchronicity through animals to bring us answer we need.” ~Open

HorseWhispererI am frequently overwhelmed by the sheer beauty, perfection and awesome simplicity of animals. They were surely put here as our teachers revealing in us how our beingness can wonderfully manifest itself when not constrained through distorted thinking and perceived limitations. How is it that the ‘right’ animal, be it the real thing or just an image, can miraculously appears just at the right time when we need guidance most?…

Animals are our Teachers

My own reaquaintance about such ‘animal medicine’ here in this realm came whilst exploring the living habits of termites (of all creatures!). To many, termites are considered pests particularly in the US where they destroy many homes. Paradoxically it is the way they build their own homes which reveals the deepest truth – coincidence or synchronicity?

Termites build complex nests sometimes forming huge overground structures. However, it is what’s underground that is so fascinating. Interweaving webs of chamber systems are constructed incorporating intricate networks of tunnels and air conduits designed to channel air flow for the perfect management of internal air quality, temperature and moisture levels ensuring optimum environments for their offspring to grow. Continue reading