Alignment to Natural Law

collective consciousnessLisa Renee –  We are currently experiencing the next level of reckoning or clarification of the principles we live by, as the areas of our life that are not congruent or aligned may be getting more amplified.

As the bifurcation is creating more distance between the polarity choices, misalignments that may have been hidden are now easier to perceive. This is happening at micro and macro levels for; individuals, families, organizations and larger institutions as well as within the main Controller Pillars of Society.

The benefit is that we can more easily identify patterns of alignment and misalignment in our lives, giving us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of alignment to Natural Laws. For this reason, we will explore the Thirteen Principles of Natural Laws in detail to help guide our discernment, as we endeavor to accurately assess the world of forces around us, in what can often feel like challenging or chaotic terrain.

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The 100 Monkey Principle and Collective Consciouness

consciousnessEmily Rose Laochua – In the 1950s, scientists conducted research on a group of macaque monkeys on the Japanese island of Koshima. These scientists would drop sweet potatoes on the ground for the monkeys to eat. However, one day, one young monkey took the sand covered sweet potato and rinsed it at a nearby lake, discovering that the sweet potato tasted better washed.

Not long after, more monkeys on this island adopted this ritual which eventually (and unexplainably) moved across the water to monkeys being studied in nearby islands. And although these monkeys never came into contact and were separated by water, the act of rinsing food before eating it entered these species’ collective consciousness and hence changed their pattern.

This strange event was coined the “100 Monkey Principle” which stated that once a critical number of people’s consciousness changed (and in this case that number was 100) a tipping point would occur which would lead to a change in group consciousness.

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Successfully Shifting To The New Earth

earthJeff Street – The great shift in the consciousness of humanity has hit critical mass and passed the point of no return.  It’s been building slowly but surely, and now it’s about to kick into high gear.

The next decade or so will be a period of enormous change and perhaps more than a little turbulence.  Think of this as the process of humanity going into labor as it begins to birth a new earth reality.  In this article, I offer what I consider the six keys to smoothly and successfully making the shift to the New Earth and becoming a charter member of a wonderful new era of humanity.

As always, my articles are simply my perspective that I offer in the spirit of discovery and empowerment.  Take what resonates and leave the rest.

Before diving into the practical advice that I have to offer, I’ll briefly explore the shift that is underway.

The Shift and the Ascent of Humanity

The Earth and our entire solar system is being bathed in powerful cosmic energy causing the base frequency of the planet and everything on it to ascend.  The Earth has transitioned from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, and it continues to slowly shift upward (check out The Multidimensional Universe to learn more about frequency and dimensionality).  This energy is triggering awakenings and shifts in consciousness of people all over the world.  As our consciousness shifts to higher perspectives, we are taking our first baby steps towards transcending this realm of duality and separation.

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, January 21, 2016

consciousnessGibbous Moon in Cancer: trust

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: construct and conduct

True Alignments: expecting the unexpected, emotionally balanced, inner strength, sharing a vision, clearing a path, things of high vibration going viral, satisfaction, moving the body around and strengthening it, ability to uplift others, awe

Catalysts for Change: changes of plans or sudden changes, losing self-control, mood swings, de-stabilizing, sticking with an old way when a better one is presented, unresponsive, issues with support, neglecting physical body, basic instincts being the only basis, isolation

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a hidden choir singing during a religious service” (unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (re-calibration of consciousness)

All things lead to the Full Moon, and right now we are “loading in” powerful energetics into what the time will be like – based on the state and context of our emotions and thoughts now.

This is the way of Creation. Seeds are sown and then fertilized. The same is true of energy and experience. What is seeded or imprinted follows a growth cycle in order to come to life.

This weekend’s Full Moon is no ordinary Full Moon. In fact, it is quite historical. Here’s why:

1- a T-Square is in place at the full moon: a T-square is astrology-speak for a big deal. It’s a power punch of energy that imprints or marks or brands into the collective consciousness. The planets involved are a big deal, too: the Black Moon, Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Eris. Let’s break it down:

Black Moon (shadow side, fear) + Mercury (messages, deliveries, communications) + Pluto (transformation) + Uranus (change, freedom) + Eris (awakening, rebirth) = the power to massively imprint or affect the nature of reality Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, January 13, 2016

energeticCrescent Moon in Pisces: perseverance, challenge

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Beginnings and Endings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Transformation

Skill: cast away

True Alignments: shielding from harm, decisive, inner resources, release from pressures, dedication to helping others, full spectrum, revising and realigning, choosing to think differently, Eastern traditions and the rise of the East, fair value, fearless

Catalysts for Change: unfair, undervaluing, arguing, not seeing a bigger picture, love triangles, overdoing, fears about safety and security, sacrificing self, immaturity, giving over power to something/someone we feel is more powerful, invasions of privacy, indecision, boxed in, unrefined

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a hidden choir singing during a religious service” (unity, harmony, unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (the recalibration / re-tuning of human consciousness)

In the cycles of the Sun and Moon, the natural method of timing, we are in the last quarter of the solar-lunar year. This lunar month is one of the four “turning points” in the year, the times when massive shift occurs within the collective consciousness. This year, the turning points are particularly potent, because this solar-lunar year is the point in time when human consciousness is recalibrated or re-tuned to a higher state. Evolution is in process. We see this manifesting in our world in large measure now, as the last quarter of the year begins. Continue reading