Proof: The Program To Erase The Individual

“The less government we have, the better, — the fewer laws, and the less confided power. The antidote to this abuse of formal Government [taking more power for itself], is, the influence of private character, the growth of the Individual.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844)

“If it were felt that the free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being…there would be no danger that liberty should be undervalued.” (John Stuart Mill, 1859)

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” (Henry David Thoreau, 1854)

“Art is individualism, and individualism is a disturbing and disintegrating force. There lies its immense value. For what it seeks is to disturb monotony of type, slavery of custom, tyranny of habit, and the reduction of man to the level of a machine.” (Oscar Wilde, 1891)

individualJon Rappoport – I could have added a number of other countries to those in the title of this article. In those I mentioned, there was once a tradition of the free and independent and unique individual. That tradition has faded like a photo on an old postcard.

The individual is now considered a) a criminal by definition, or b) a member of a group defined solely by ethnicity, color, religion, gender, or c) either in the 1% or the 99%.

But the individual is not considered to be himself/herself. Certainly not. Anything but.

In any of these countries, go back through the speeches of recent presidents and prime ministers and try to find a significant, positive, extensive mention of the individual. Good luck.

These days, mention “private property” and “individual” in the same sentence, and if you’re understood at all, chances are you’ll be labeled with some slur—because public-everything is supposed to be the utopian answer to humankind’s ills. Continue reading

You Are The Change, Part 2

“Fear is truly your greatest enemy as it always elicits the support of those who thrive to be in control. Without fear, they would have no power and no way to block you from fully embodying the Light of your true power in God.” – The Masters

2WorldsChooseYou are divinely and inexorably linked into creating some of the changes that will act as the foundations of your new world. Your potential to be a part of creating your new Earth is encoded within the archives of your heart as well as within the luminous strands of your crystalline DNA. Your unique planetary service is a natural part of the gifts you have accumulated over many lifetimes, and these gifts usually determine the focus of your service and define your part in the spiritual destiny of your world. Your part in the creation of your new Golden Age will bring you great satisfaction as it did me during my time to be an agent of change over 2,000 years ago. I am profoundly pleased to see so many of you aligning with your own unique expressions of Christ Consciousness, as my primary intent for coming to Earth was to inspire you to live, love and co-create as a master. You are deeply privileged to have the opportunity to live on Earth as your God Presence during this Great Shift in the Ages. ~ Jeshua (Jesus the Christ)

It has taken approximately 4,000 years for humanity to be in a strong enough spiritual position to succeed in making an ascension through two dimensions. Although it has taken this much time to prepare you and all life on your planet for this great leap in your evolutionary journey, we also observe that you are being immensely supported by many newly awakened souls who are intent on bringing co-operation and peace into your world and into the collective consciousness of humanity.

War, pain, separation and all of the false concepts that have been born out of fear and the ages-old survival information that has been programmed into the citizens of your world are beginning to lose their hold on the consciousness of many. What can you do that would assist in reprogramming the belief systems that have led to war on your planet for thousands upon thousands of years? This is just one of many questions to ask your Presence. The answer often arises within the depth of your heart. Continue reading

A Journey Through Science, Spirituality And Symbolism

WarOnConsciousnessMindControlPhil Watt – I am an ‘ordinary’ native, yet for near half of my life I have experienced an extraordinary interconnection with the external world.

Some might call it . spirituality, others might call it being tapped in and some simply classify it as religion or the paranormal. But in fact the blurring of the lines between one person’s mind and the rest of reality has been called many things by many cultures and traditions who have attempted to explain it over the course of humanity’s history.

No matter what you call this world-wide and timeless phenomenon, most people have personally had extraordinary experiences, too. Continue reading

The Perception Deception [Audio]

Red Ice Radio  March 24 2014

David Icke has spent the last quarter of a century unraveling the secrets of the Universe, reality and the forces that manipulate our world. After writing more than 20 books, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don’t dare touch. He returns to discuss his latest book, The Perception Deception, which is a massive work of 435,000 words, 900 pages and more than 800 illustrations.


Icke lays out in dot-connected detail a lifetime of research and insight about our ‘computer’-simulated reality, the holographic universe and the hidden non-human forces that are manipulating human life via hybrid bloodline families and networks into a global Orwellian state of total control. We’ll discuss perception deception in various forms in our world. In the second hour, we’ll continue with more on life in the archon manipulated world. David explains how we continue to feed the beast. He also weaves in transhumanism and how it is about making a collective human reality that supersedes organic collective consciousness. Icke expresses what it will take for humanity to stop unfolding a nightmare.

All In All We’re Cracking The Wall

Zen-Haven June 27 2013

Collective consciousnessToday I’m going to tackle a subject and a half… starting with some statements and questions: We project our minds into imagined future events according to our analysis of what we see, hear, and accept as real in the present.

We reject experiencing one future scenario and we fully embrace another based on opinion, past experience, hopes, fears, beliefs or obligations. None of it is real of course, unless we make it so.

And now… what abilities do we utilize in order to emerge beyond the mind and emotions into actually being within a preferred reality?

Whenever I consider starting something new, I wait for a very helpful person who seems to intuitively know it’s time to call. He calls and asks what I’m up to. For me the conversation is going to provide a map called checking in with the ‘shoot it downer’. For him, the conversation is the reasonable, experienced businessman interjecting a little reality into my mind.

I tell him the plan, and then I listen to him tell me why it won’t work. He asserts that his reasoning is much more in tune with what’s real and how life works than mine is. I listen and tell him I’ll give his warnings my consideration. He hangs up the phone with a touch of friendly encouragement, “Well, go ahead and try it… because you always do what you want anyway… but don’t put any money in it.”

Then I get my chance to sit back and look at the rock wall he has constructed. These rocks are the mind’s reasons why it won’t work. Next step? I let myself be like water, and find my way through the cracks and holes in the wall.

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