Interdimensional Communication

GaiaDr. Suzanne Lie – We Arcturians are happy to report that there are are more and more humans who are activating their own manner of “inter-dimensional communication.” Inter-dimensional Communication simple means that you are having a communication with a higher frequency of your own Multidimensional SELF, and/or communications with higher dimensional beings.

These higher dimensional beings, who are beings that are NOT wearing an earth vessel, are resonating to the frequencies of the higher 4th, 5th and beyond frequencies of reality. However, they do “over light” the 3rd/4th-dimensional humans who have chosen to take an earth vessel to better assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. Continue reading

God in a box

Lcommunicationee Carroll – Greetings! I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I would like to continue and expand the subject of “connection,” which I started earlier today.

There are so many questions that Humans have about this seemingly intangible idea of a Creator, or God, or of a source that is beyond your imagination, yet that’s one that somehow you’re directly connected to. It’s also very difficult for you to truly believe that there is an entourage, if you want to call it that, or a group around each of you all of the time.

This intangible spiritual group knows your name, and not the name you have now. The name is of a soul group, the name is bigger even than you can imagine, the name itself exists in light, and the name is not an identifier, but rather a descriptor of magnificence. It is patterned and speaks of your soul group in this galaxy that belongs to Earth.

God in a Human Box

If I could summarize all of this, let me again say that “God knows you,” and this has to be either fully realized or somehow trained into a Human Being. The reason for this is common and obvious and I will go into this yet again. Continue reading

The Next Big Bang – Human Consciousness and the Universe’s Ultimate Secret

The stream of human knowledge is heading toward a non-physical reality. The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine. – Sir James Jeans

universeJim Stempel – For at least two hundred years science has been telling us that any ideas of spirituality we might hold dear are little more than ignorant leftovers of a superstitious past – foolish relics. But the truth is, physics itself, that most foundational of all sciences, has now progressed far beyond that initial, dismissive assessment, to a conceptual worldview far more accepting of spirituality than ever before.

To grasp the nuts and bolts of this new science, then, is to understand the nuts and bolts that support a new, evolving and far more sophisticated grasp of spirit than has ever before been available to us.

This new conceptual framework is absolutely critical to our grasp of spirit, and, frankly, for those previously unfamiliar with the discoveries of modern physics, this new framework may at first seem nothing short of “other worldly” itself – as the old saying goes, the truth can at times be far stranger than fiction. So let’s start by taking a close look at what the new physics has to tell us. Continue reading

Spiritual Powers You Inherently Have Since Birth But Most Choose To Ignore

powerLife Coach Code – If human beings only know how spiritually powerful they are, human suffering wouldn’t be an issue. Only that people tend to chase another kind of power, that which makes others their slaves.

But, to desire power over others is futile because, in the long run, when the tides turn as they sometimes will, it is this very power that will cause it’s holder’s ultimate downfall.

What humans should be aware of are the powers that they inherently owned but failed to give importance. These powers are a given, and when used fully, wouldn’t make other people as slaves but would liberate them, instead.

All we need to do is cultivate these powers through constant practice and application. The process isn’t easy because more than discipline, it requires commitment and focused intention.

Once you have mastered it, you not only become spiritually powerful but act as a light who will guide others in finding their own spiritual powers. Continue reading

DNA Can Be Reprogrammed By Words And Certain Frequencies – Russian scientists have shown that our DNA can actually be reprogrammed by words and certain frequencies. According to scientists only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA where researchers are pointing their investigations to, their plan is to review and classify it again and they hope to learn something very interesting in the process.

The remaining 90% of the DNA is considered “junk DNA”, I know that many won’t agree with a term such as “Junk DNA” but let us continue. Interestingly couple of years ago, new formulas from Russian scientists, specialized in biophysics and molecular biology showed that 7 percent of our DNA has a higher purpose and is not in any way ‘junk’. According to newer studies, the human DNA is a biological internet far superior to any artificial. Continue reading