DNA Can Be Reprogrammed By Words And Certain Frequencies

dnaAncientcode.com – Russian scientists have shown that our DNA can actually be reprogrammed by words and certain frequencies. According to scientists only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA where researchers are pointing their investigations to, their plan is to review and classify it again and they hope to learn something very interesting in the process.

The remaining 90% of the DNA is considered “junk DNA”, I know that many won’t agree with a term such as “Junk DNA” but let us continue. Interestingly couple of years ago, new formulas from Russian scientists, specialized in biophysics and molecular biology showed that 7 percent of our DNA has a higher purpose and is not in any way ‘junk’. According to newer studies, the human DNA is a biological internet far superior to any artificial. Continue reading

AI Shut Down After It Creates Its Own Language

communicationJoseph P Farrell – Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, and government-privileged businessman Elon Musk, have both attained some notoriety for warning of the impending dangers of the development of artificial intelligence. In addition to these academic and corporate concerns, popular culture has warned of the dangers from time-to-time. Consider only “HAL” from Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001 Space Odyssey, or “Vicki” from Isaac Asimov’s I Robot, or even “the Machine” and its counterpart, “Samaritan” from the popular CBS television series Person of Interest.

If one reduces all these warnings to the lowest common denominator, the warning is that an artificial intelligence will begin to code for itself, and quickly overtake its human administrators, making it impossible to “turn off.” As readers here are also aware, I’ve suspected for a while that we might be seeing hints of such activity with the various flash crashes that have occurred on various equities and commodities markets. Indeed, Person of Interest even did an episode fictionalizing this precise scenario.

Well, Mr. B.H. shared this article which suggests that perhaps these scenarios and concerns are not so far-fetched; if anything, the article carries the implications that these concerns are no longer hypothetical, but now a very real world happening: Continue reading

Mercury Communications in Capricorn

communicationDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well, we have a couple of very good things coming up here that open opportunities as we get through this time period: Chiron going direct probably most important for world servers and healers. It does so in Psychic Pisces. Then more notably I think, on a global scale, will be Mercury moving into Capricorn and affecting communication, communication styles.

I see two things kind of double-edged swords there: things getting more combative but also more things getting communicated swiftly. So probably going to see more crude communication coming forth just from that concept.

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Our Spirit Speaks The Loudest

communicationZen Gardner – I know from experience that our confident, loving attitude and spirit is what generates change and revelation. It happens continually but we can rarely see it with our physical eyes.

There’s a level where confident knowing and conviction, however they’re expressed or manifested, speak straight to and enrapture the soul.

Somewhere in the human psyche, spirit, soul, consciousness, we recognize true loving honesty, seemingly divine authority and true knowledge. It is more often than not dismissed in the matrix of course, ridiculed or seemingly ignored – on the surface.

I am convinced this is not what is truly happening at the important level of heart language.

It is being clearly received and having the desired effect at a very profound level.

We need to know this is happening and take heart that what we’re doing and have become in our evolution toward Truth is having a much more real and profound effect than any of us can fully realize. And to be deeply encouraged and emboldened to keep on simply manifesting the fullness of the real shift that is you and me.

Our profoundly changed lives.

Language Is Inadequate

Language is generally a very crude method of communication. Think of making love – the talking is the foreplay. The real communication is way beyond words. Granted, the preliminary language has its place, but is kept in place in loving conscious awareness.

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Within the Flow of Divine Communication

divinePeter Borys, Jr. – Our Divine communication is through our soul from within the heart.  In heart consciousness, the heart is served by the knowing mind of Light which seamlessly communicates the knowing of our Divine soul in the Spirit.  When the fullness of our Divine soul emanates through the heart within the cellular consciousness of the physical body, we are being our infinite Divine nature in, through, and as the body on Earth.

Divine Soul as One with Body-Mind

In the full harmonic freedom of our Divine soul, the body, mind, and soul is a unitary communication resonator of infinite Divine knowing.  The incarnate vehicle of consciousness in the dimensional universe is the body-mind.  When we emanate in consciousness the infinite Divine soul as one with the body-mind, we are realizing the soul-body.  We are awakening to our pure Divine frequency of love and unity where the soul is expressing as the physical body.

In the current shift of dimensional frequency on Earth, we are awakening and transforming to an operating system of the body-mind that is fully transparent to the Divine soul.  In the purity of our Divine soul, we are emanating on Earth as an aspect of the Divine infinite consciousness of Spirit.

Divine Infinite Consciousness of Knowing

In the clear and harmonic frequency channel of information, knowing does not move.  It is non-local.  Knowing has no limitation of time and space.  It is everywhere in an infinite field of “now.”  This is the Divine flow of communication that can emanate in the physical frequency dimension.  In the infinite field of “now,” rest and action are completely one.  At perfect rest, time is infinite motion.  As this translates into slower frequency speeds on Earth, matter will have a fluidity that can express the non-local knowing.  This is what some perceive as a fifth dimensional and above consciousness. Continue reading