Distractions, Portalways and Cords

fearNancy Leilah Ward – Why do I feel tired at the thought of writing about this? Guidance has seemed far away lately. Speaking to my Arcturian soul family…

Energies heavy. Too many open doorways. Seal them, close the windows. Windows into other people’s realities. Through your creative expression you come back to yourself.

Be discerning of what you take in. Over attention to the Internet siphons energy. Focusing, instead, on the Inner Net… the webs of connection you have with one another in the etheric. Soul sisters and brothers, soul beings united through love and joy. Greatest possibility of human expansion and evolution comes from love, a sweetness, innocence, kindness, a deeper knowing of oneself as Source. Continue reading

What Makes a Good Doctor?

workThe path to full-time work as a doctor is notoriously long and winding. To find work in a hospital, you’ll need to spend years completing various degree courses, on top of all the on-the-job training and specialist training required to enter your preferred field.

But as well as all of that technical knowledge and skill, you’ll also need a certain sort of personality, and a certain set of soft skills. Fortunately, the qualities we’re about to touch upon aren’t immutable parts of you: you can learn some of them, given patience and practice. So what are they? Continue reading

Buddha and the Elements of Love

elements of loveMatt Caron – There are so many definitions of love.

Just look for quotes over the internet or even Facebook. You’ll find at least a thousand definitions on a daily basis.

But do we know what ‘true love’ really is? Is there one universal way of defining ‘love’?

Quite honestly, there isn’t. Most of these quotes are really based on experience – sometimes fearful, sometimes cautious and cynical. It’s anything but what is known as a ‘higher love’.

For the most part, our understanding of love is derived from reality TV shows, the movies, or even the fairytales that we grew up reading or listening to. Continue reading

Tara – Mother of the Buddhas

Danielle Herman – The story goes that the spirit of great compassion looked down on the world and saw its troubles.

Image Source: Buddhaweekly.com

The spirit looked at the world with love and sadness and from the tears of compassion for the world, Tara was formed. She was the Buddha before all Buddhas took human form. In the Mahayana traditions of Buddhism, she is seen equal to and in some aspects greater than Gautama Buddha Shakyamuni.

Tara’s aspects are great compassion and healing for the world. She is swift to help and protect all living beings. Continue reading

Full Moon is Sunday, August 26 at 5:56 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

full moon
Sunset Over Avon Lake, Ohio – Photo by Heather

Lena Stevens – This is a compassionate and emotional moon that supports beauty, desire, healing, love, joy and satisfaction. In the aftermath of extremely challenging times, we certainly can use this reset and refocus onto what makes us happy and what feeds our hearts and our souls. Spend some time reflecting and reorienting yourself to what is important, truly important, and to what will nurture you sustainably.

Be willing to let go of old attachments especially to what does not nurture you. Old habits are hard to break and fear of the unknown tends to keep us stuck and unable to move forward. With this full moon, let us expand our trust in spirit so we can step onto that path of moving forward that we all really want at this time. This moon provides a portal for breaking through past wounds, fears, obstacles and limiting belief systems. Use it well and remember to “stay in your own lane”!

Blessings, Lena

Astrological Notes

♦  Pisces Full Moon
♦  Sun in Virgo ~ Moon in Pisces 3º
♦  Sunday, August 26, 5:56 AM Mountain Daylight Time

Patricia Liles – At this Full Moon, we leave Leo of the Fire element behind, we, a little crispy around the edges after the eclipse season amid multiple retrogrades, enter the very welcome Earth element, Virgo.  Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is the mental earth sign, so mental and practical.  Continue reading