The Matrix Is Real – We Live In A Computer Simulation [Video]

Computer code (Binary Code 0 1) discovered inside Superstring Equations, Quantum mechanics, Double-slit experiment and more.

NASA Scientist Claims Human Reality Is An Alien Created Hologram

“In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless they’re being observed. Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how you explain this. One explanation is that we’re living within a simulation, weeing what we need to see when we need to see it.” Continue reading

We Are Locked In An Alien Computer Simulation!

Ari Kopel – There is “meaty” information in this lecture by Linda Moulton Howe. This video discloses how this universe is a computer simulation. She goes on to explain this and shares an audio interview with a man who has an experience with a being who is one of the creators of this universe.

The way that this universe is explained — and how it came to be — is similar to the explanation I give in my book “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception”. Starting on page 30, Chapter 2 it states: Continue reading

Is The Universe A Computer Simulation? [Video] February 6 2013

A recent scientific study undertaken by the University of Bonn in Germany suggests that the universe could be one giant computer simulation.

Cosmic rays offer clue our universe could be a computer simulation –

‘The idea we live in a simulation isn’t science fiction’ –…

The Measurement That Would Reveal The Universe As A Computer Simulation –…

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave