The Matrix Is Real – We Live In A Computer Simulation [Video]

Computer code (Binary Code 0 1) discovered inside Superstring Equations, Quantum mechanics, Double-slit experiment and more.

NASA Scientist Claims Human Reality Is An Alien Created Hologram

“In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless they’re being observed. Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how you explain this. One explanation is that we’re living within a simulation, weeing what we need to see when we need to see it.”

“Right now the fastest NASA supercomputers are cranking at about double the speed of the human brain… If you make a simple calculation using Moore’s Law (which roughly claims that computers double in power every two years), you’ll find that these supercomputers, inside of a decade, will have the ability to compute an entire lifetime of 80 years, including every thought ever conceived in that lifetime in the span of a month.”

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix Jun 2018

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