You Are The Change

Part 1

You came into your present incarnation knowing that you had the potential to make changes that would assist your planet and all life upon her to shift into the higher dimensions of your shared consciousness. Over the last few years, the first levels of this impending shift began stimulating the memory grids of humankind so any thoughts, feelings or patterns of belief that were out of harmony with your ascension could be transformed back into the pure Love and Light of God. This purification process was greatly assisted by an unprecedented influx of Mother God’s Opalescent frequencies of Divine Grace.

Every heart received an abundance of Her Grace so every soul on your Earth would have the opportunity of shifting into Unity or Christ Consciousness. There has also been an equal influx of the Diamond Light of the Father so the co-joined frequencies of both Mother and Father God could stimulate the balanced activation of God’s Presence within each of you. This activity of Divine Grace coming in from both the male and female expressions of God has given you a much greater access to your own Presence and to these two magnificent Rays of Source so you can use them in making changes to bring your world into a new 5th dimensional home. ~ Alpha and Omega, the overlighting Consciousness of your Great Central Sun

You were created to be a totally unique expression of the embodied Presence of God. As emissaries for expanding the Love and Light of the Creator, you came to Earth during your present Shift of the Ages to assist in the actualization of humanity’s dimensional ascension in consciousness. Your Presence is here to be a co-creative part of making any internal or external changes to expedite the fulfillment of your planetary ascension. When living as your already-ascended Presence, you become an active example of what it looks and feels like to be a conscious multi-dimensional being creating and living in freedom. Continue reading