Gene Editing, Hackable Humans, and Informed Consent

Paul Dowling – Does a globalist Big Pharma have the power to bring about a zombie apocalypse?  Sounds ludicrous on the face of it, like a big joke given voice by crackpot conspiracy theorists.  In fact, the idea has been a running gag of sorts, in movies and assorted media, going back eight decades and more.

In the 1940 movie The Ghost Breakers, there is a humorous scene – featuring the talents of Paulette Goddard, Bob Hope, and Richard Carlson – where Carlson, a man with intimate knowledge of the undead, is being queried by Hope about zombies; Carlson responds by saying, “It’s worse than horrible, because a zombie has no will of his own.  You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring.”

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Be The Change You Desire: Walk Away. Refuse To Participate In Your Enslavement

The Jeenyus Corner | August 20 2012

The master manipulators who direct the trolls have devised yet another new way to deal with damning information that is factual and undeniable. With claims of fatigue over our problems, and that people don’t want to hear the bad news, they demand that I put forward solutions. Perhaps they are right.

The Buddha said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. We can’t force feed people. Indeed, so many are so dependent upon the system, so inured by it that they will fight to protect it even though it ultimately denies most of them a better life. No one can teach people what they refuse to hear and not all trolls are mere operatives. Many are true believers.

I honestly believe few of us will change until a collapse forces people to acknowledge their enslavement. And even then, not til after the first winter when millions will die. This is why I keep telling all those Second Amendment supporters (of which I am one) that firearms are important yes, but don’t think the government isn’t prepared because we outnumber their alphabet agency apparatchiks.

They control the food.

These criminals have used illusion to coerce the masses into believing that government, in the way they have used it, is beneficial and even a good thing. Counter to what the founders understood – that at best its a necessary evil.

Today, 45.7 million Americans are receiving food stamp benefits and very near half of US citizens do not owe federal income taxes. We’ve allowed ourselves to be deceived into an almost narcotic dependency on the state for almost everything from the delusion of safety to basic needs of sustenance. Deliberately so, that we’re past the point of no return: its now quite impossible to convince a majority to vote away these ‘benefits’. Witness the violent response to that idea in Southern Europe these last months or the wails of doom in the mind control media whenever Medicare or Social Security is discussed.

No election is going to change anything; your candidate will not make a difference. Thus it should be clear that working within the current paradigm will do nothing at all to alleviate the pain that that very same paradigm is responsible for inflicting on us. It hasn’t before, why would it now?

Dr. King, Gandhi, the 1960′s anti war movement, the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street… Understand who and what we’re dealing with – that attempts to organize against the criminals within the system have each been systematically met with either subversion or failing that, violent force.

Yes, occasionally the power structure has been forced to give, but most always on their terms and usually with any gains only perceptual and hardly significant to the long term. The power structure has proven itself quite adept at diverting, silencing or co-opting opposition when it has presented a problem to them.

So its not possible to use the force of our collective will to destroy a system based upon the collective insanity of a nation. Therefore no protests, no movement, no sort of group organizing around collective action can ever work. And since every effort using this methodology has thus far failed, why should we continue? Because as Einstein warned us: this is insane, repeating a task and expecting a different result each time.

Its time to change the way we deal with the forces of oppression and tyranny but it won’t be simple. It took 150 years to destroy the Republic that the founding fathers created and at this point is beyond redemption. Therefore the violent and tyrannical beast that the national government has grown into cannot be remedied by votes or even (and especially) by force.

We absolutely MUST remain non-violent.

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