Electro-magnetic warfare

reality“Everyone worries about nuclear weapons as the most serious threat to our survival. Their danger is indeed immediate and overwhelming. In the long run, however, I believe the ultimate weapon is manipulation of our electromagnetic environment, because it’s imperceptibly subtle and strikes at the core of life itself. Even if we survive the chemical and atomic threats to our existence, there’s a strong possibility that increasing electropollution could set in motion irreversible changes leading to our extinction before we’re even aware of them. 

It often seems there must be some other reason why today’s power elite are so willing to bring the whole world to the brink of so many kinds of destruction. – p327.  The Body Electric by  Robert O Becker.


The End of the Grand Cosmic Year

Elva Thompson – The Grand Cosmic Year of twenty-six thousand years is grinding to a close, and push is coming to shove for all life on earth. As the power elite forge ahead for global dominion and electro-magnetic control of our species, they will in their arrogance unleash titanic elemental forces that will bring cosmic order to the chaos they have so wantonly created. Our technological, tyrannical and unjust world will perish… just like Atlantis, and all ‘civilisations’ that have met their doom with the closing of the programme.

The blocking mechanisms

In the four years of the reset Dec 2012-2016, the geometric frequency fences of sun, moon and planets are energetically at their weakest, and can no longer corrupt cosmic information. Without the frequency fences to distort reality, the satanic cabal have to create jamming mechanisms of their own to sabotage our ascension timeline. This is what Haarp, Cern and the smart grid is all about. It’s all designed to energetically block the evolutionary, cosmic information available at the end of each Grand Cosmic Year. The awareness that leads to the ascension process. Continue reading

Signs The Elite Are Transforming Society Into A Total Domination Control Grid

ASheepNoMore  January 13 2014

obama_NoLibertyThe elite want to tightly control almost everything that we do, say and think. When most people think of “tyranny” they think of thugs with guns and little dictators running around barking orders at everyone. But that is not how the elite are accomplishing their goals these days. They want us to actually believe that we have freedom and that we are choosing our own leaders, but in the background they are exerting “soft power” in a way that is absolutely ruthless.

They fund the political campaigns of our politicians, They own nearly all of the large corporations and financial institutions. They exert very tight control over the media and their agenda is being promoted through the education systems of virtually every nation on the planet.

What the elite are doing is not illegal. In fact, they use the government and they use the law to accomplish their purposes. That is one reason why the elite love big government. For them, it is an instrument of control. The larger the government is, the easier it is to watch, track, monitor and control the rest of us.

As you read this, a “total domination control grid” is being constructed all around us that is far beyond anything that George Orwell ever dreamed of. This system is advancing on hundreds of different fronts, and it is getting tighter and more restrictive with each passing day. We may think  we still have a certain degree of liberty, but if you start doing things that the system does not like, the system has a way of getting you back in line very quickly.

In the end, it is all about control.

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Bernie Suarez ~ Are the Globalists Outmatched By Humanity’s Greatness?

Activist Post | October 27 2012

California ballot propositionHumanity is now progressing toward a modern-day cognitive renaissance period. It’s happening all around us, people are politically awakening to what is happening globally. The ruling class has long planned on constructing a global political government with full control of all the parts; a perfect control-grid where the very rich can exercise unchallenged power forever.

One thing the global elite couldn’t account for however is the power of life, the magic that is being human, and the greatness that lies within each and every person. No doubt this spiritual energy, quest for freedom and drive to thrive that exists in every person has presented problems for tyrants throughout history.

Likewise, this present-day struggle for freedom and individual sovereignty has awakened the giant that lives inside of every person. The awakening is about more than just understanding what is happening; the global and individual political awakening manifests itself in a drive and desire to take action and change the physical world around us.

It turns out that humans as a whole never give up, and the fires of freedom will always burn.

This fire is a manifestation of nature. More than ever before people are coming together from all walks of life. Untelevised revolutions all around the world continue as people everywhere are demanding their rights.

People are awakened to the dirty deeds of the few at the very top and they are very willing to put up a fight. History has shown us that tyranny and fascism can only be sustained temporarily on humanity before the flames of freedom fight back. Let’s hold on to this knowledge and find ways to complete this self fulfilling prophesy of global fascism’s death.

Global Government Henchmen Being Systematically Exposed 

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