The Government Is Not Your Friend, No Matter What Politicians Tell You

Vince Coyner – Reagan once said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.” He was right, the government’s not your friend and it most certainly isn’t here to help you.

The dirty little secret about government is that its purpose is not really to make the lives of citizens better but, rather, to accumulate power at the expense of citizens. Not sure about that? Ask yourself, how many government agencies have put themselves out of a job because they succeeded?

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None Dare Call It Conspiracy

Janet Levy – Fifty years ago, journalist Gary Allen set out to write a book to prove conservative anti-communists wrong.  But while researching, he realized he had not seen the “hidden picture.”  There indeed was a conspiracy, shielded by a narrative advanced by liberal academia and the mainstream media, both actually in the service of an elite cabal that included Rockefeller, Ford, Morgan, Rothschild, Loeb, Kennedy, and Carnegie.

No longer willing to dismiss “right-wing conspiracy theorists,” he titled his book, published in 1971, None Dare Call It Conspiracy.  It was a surprising bestseller: more than four million copies were sold during the 1972 presidential elections.  Many received it as gifts through an informal grassroots distribution system. Continue reading

Who Controls Your Energy

energyJennifer Hoffman – Before I begin speaking about this topic I want to ask you this. What do you think your energy is? Is it how you manifest, create, live your life, and how you get motivated. What if there was another way to define your energy, one that gave it deeper meaning and value to you?

What if you saw yourself as a steward of divine energy and as that steward, it was your job to protect, support, use, and expand it in the best way possible. Would that change how you view your energy? Keep that in mind as we talk about who or what controls your energy. Continue reading

The 6 Operating Principles of the NWO

Dr. Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal – The 6 Operating Principles of the NWO (aka the Deep State)


Principle One

Belief that rationality is an optimal basis for the functioning of society. Accordingly, faith in God is dangerous; morality is after all “subjective.” Also accordingly, only people bred or indoctrinated to NWO beliefs are qualified to administer the social order.

Principle Two

Belief that not everyone is rational, and so for optimal social functioning, everyone and everything should be tightly controlled. Accordingly, belief that freedom leads to chaos and is therefore dangerous. As such, freedom advocates must be crushed, because their existence is dangerous. Continue reading

Cancel Us at Your Own Risk

controlWilliam L. Gensert – The left has redefined language, what is said and what it means — words now mean what they say they mean, “nothing more and nothing less.” Silence can become “violence.” Actual violence and destruction can sometimes be “mostly peaceful” at other times, “insurrection” or “sedition.”

Control the meaning of things and you control the narrative — control the narrative and you control communication. Through the control of communication, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, they hope to control America and Americans.

That is why Democrats perceive Trump as dangerous; he has used Twitter brilliantly, negating their narrative control. They spent four years trying to destroy him with lies. Yet, our leftist elites were doomed by their incompetence and a misunderstanding of why people elected Trump in the first place. Continue reading