Are You Too Controlling? It’s Time to Relax

controlling behaviorNiraj Soma Naik – You’re one of those people that likes to have everything perfectly organized, whether it’s your home, your schedule, your workspace, or your relationships. You like to try to see into the future to prevent horrible outcomes. You want to control situations so that they turn out positively for you, and you think that your way is always the correct way. You just can’t deal with upsetting changes or occurrences in your life because that means you’ve lost control. You often get told by others to “lighten up”, “chill out”, or “let loose.”

Organization is good. Preparation is good. And planning is also good. And being told by others to relax is probably one of the most annoying things ever. But, how do you know when these traits begin to get a little out of hand? Maybe it’s time to relax.

Am I too uptight?

There is such a thing as too much, although people who have the above personality traits might beg to differ. Here’s how you can know when it’s too much: Continue reading