Spiritual Maturity

Energetic Synthesis July 13 2013

Coping (psychology)Dear Ascending Family, As we travel the spiritual ascension pathway and undergo the sequences of initiation into higher frequencies, the focus of our consciousness energy changes therefore changing the focus of our mind, thoughts and emotions. Our world perception and sense of identity dramatically shifts leaving us feeling isolated or sequestered. We begin to search for the meaning or purpose behind that which is aligning us to a change into new value systems.

Many of us will run the entire gamut of thoughts and emotions; from questioning our sanity to feeling lost or depressed, to moments of ecstatic feelings and deep spiritual connection. During the spiritual expansion and the integration phases of higher consciousness this state of mental and emotional fluctuation is frequently common. This process helps us to identify unhealthy or destructive patterns (because we do not want to suffer anymore) and transform them into more healthy patterns. Ultimately the path of consciousness growth (spiritual ascension) leads the person to experience more peace, love and heart based fulfillment with life. Conversely, when consciousness is stunted or suppressed, the person will experience deep pain and suffering. The more traumatized the soul body (the heart and real emotional body) the more pain a person will feel, many times from being unable to understand why they feel this way. The more disconnected from spiritual consciousness (heart energy) the more pain, disease or disassociation will be experienced by that person.

As we expand our consciousness awareness through self-inquiry we discover what the priorities are in our life. What is running us? Where do we have pain? Thus we are open to explore and are exposed to greater levels of life experiences which create resistance in order to gain knowledge.

Sometimes to find out where the destructive pattern is hiding inside the human being, the soul guides a wide array of intensely painful and polarizing life experiences. We are not able to heal inside us what we do not recognize or identify first as a painful destructive pattern. The more destructive we are, the more spiritually weakened, and this invites satanic (anti-life) forces for manipulation or possession. As we identify the destructive elements inside us, we can invite healing and loving spiritual forces to help us evolve through our heart. We are unable to evolve when the heart is shut down. 

However, this process of identifying the destructive pattern and being willing to change or heal that pattern requires Spiritual Maturity. This is very common on earth now during the end of the ascension cycle, as the soul-heart is here to evolve beyond deception and learn self-knowledge within an array of opposing world forces. This is the final stages of resolution and completion of the last dark consciousness learning cycle. This defines the evolutionary model of which consciousness (energy) is based, and is a governing energetic law that all human beings are subjected to while on the earth. All things such as a species, entities or beings energetically evolve, transform or digress to die off.

There is no stopping the natural laws of evolution, (referred to here as the Natural Laws of God, not Darwinism) only temporary manipulation of those energetic laws in order to achieve instant gratification which ultimately does not last. When we repeatedly go against the Natural Laws and do not make correction (anti-life reversals), the result is genetic deterioration, mental sickness and possible extinction in the longer term.

This time will be a transformation of our personality that will push us into a spiritual adulthood or Spiritual Maturity. In order to progress beyond the control and fear mechanism of the Archontic Deception, we must allow ourselves to receive the integration of higher knowledge. This knowledge will take us away from the kiddie pool and diving into the deep end which requires we learn to be flexible and have healthy coping skills. We cannot learn healthy coping skills, how to clear negative ego, or inoculate the “sociopathic sickness” until we understand and “feel” how things work to gain spiritual tools. More and more we will be given the knowledge and tools so we can identify that which controls the reality through the Arcontic Deception (used by both satanic and luciferian forces in humans and non-humans) and remove its influence over our being. This requires our spiritual participation and maturity to accept the current climate of circumstances we may find ourselves, patiently. It requires patience to learn how to apply corrective ego behaviors that reinforce positive, healthy, balanced and life affirming mental attitudes. We are learning to feel again with our heart as we arise from a deep slumber of mental pain.

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Why Wait For That Storm To Pass When You Can Learn To Dance In The Rain?

Inspire Me Today | May 18 2012

Dr. Elaine A. Campbell is a Psychiatrist, a Mental Wellness and Lifestyle Coach as well as Director of Food and Nutrition at The Lu-Jean Feng Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.

Since my use of car metaphors has been successful in helping others prepare their own “chasses” for life’s journeys, it is not at all surprising that I turned once again to my own car interior to find needed inspiration.

During your journey through life, please take comfort in knowing that, despite the impending storm outside, you have full control of your steering wheel and control panel. Why would this be reassuring? Well despite the hazardous driving conditions that life throws your way, a fate certainly out of your hands, peace of mind would come with the knowledge that your are the pilot or the driver of your soul. A winding road and skidding tires should never dictate how your daily ride should be. Your navigation skills would serve as your guide. What are these skills? They are all of the coping skills in your trunk. If they do not seem to be effective then seek help from your mechanic, i.e., your physician, your minister, a counselor.

Your safety belt should always be on. Never take unnecessary or careless risks. You are so important. This life would not be the same without your smile.

Always be aware of the rearview mirror. Yes, there may be some unhappy memories, but focus on the joyous ones. All of the bumps in the road should challenge you to either dig down deep for inner strength and forge ahead or use a different path that may lead to joy and happiness. But always remain true to your beliefs.

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