The NOW Is Always Occurring

by Suzanne Carroll | Multidimensions
November 8 2011

[Continued from earlier post located here]

The NOW Is Always Occurring

consciousnessOnce the Friends turned off the controlling frequency waves, which we never knew were there, we were so surprised to experience an inner quiet. Gradually, our dream lives became increasingly lucid, and our meditations began to take us on group journeys. Of course, we did not know that we were having the same meditation until we talked to each other. However, once we found that more than a few of us were having the same meditation, we began sharing our meditations on the Internet so that people all over the world could know whether or not they, too, were sharing that experience. That was when we found out that our dreams and meditations of being in the Corridor were exactly the same all over the world.

I realize now that I never told you how I started going into the Tunnel, which I later discovered was the Arcturian Corridor. I never told you that information because I could not remember. Just as we all forgot our higher life when we took on a physical body, most of us forgot much about our physical life once we came here to New Earth. I mean, we remembered it in that we returned to assist others, but I just realized through the process of writing this journey that there are many holes in my memory about how I actually got here. I think that remembering how I got here was an important reason why I felt a need to write to your timeline.

Actually, that sounds like an ego reason, but I guess that I am to be a type of teacher here. Therefore, I will start my teaching by telling those in your timeline how you, too, can get here. In other words, as I teach you, I also teach myself. Therefore, I must remember the detail of how I entered that first tunnel, which I now know was a Portal. Since New Earth resonates to the fifth dimension, there is no time as you know it in your dimension. Therefore, putting events into a sequential form is something that we quickly forget upon our arrival. We do not need that skill. Therefore, there is no reason to retain it.

In fact, our consciousness is fully calibrated to perceive all reality in a multidimensional fashion. That is why I can look into your timeline to see that you are nearing the opening of the First Portal of 11.11.11. Of course, there are myriad Portals that will open because these Portals are accessed from within each person. This statement may seem very confusing to you who still function third dimensionally, but our frequency of reality is accessed by logging-out of your 3D Holographic Reality and logging-in to our true Multidimensional SELF. You will log-out of that Holographic Reality through the Portal that you will find with your higher dimensional perceptions.

Some of you will see these Portals, some of you will feel them, some of you will hear them and some of you will only experience them while you are asleep. I realize now that I was in my fourth dimensional dream body when I found my first “tunnel,” as I called it. I had to be asleep because my life had not come across any information that would allow me to believe that it could be possible to enter a Portal into a higher dimension of reality. I write this journal in hopes that someone will read it and become aware of the True reality that they are NOW experiencing via their Multidimensional SELF. I remember how confusing that statement is to time-bound thinking, so please believe me when I say that a reality in the NOW is ALWAYS occurring.

It is the challenge of keeping your consciousness awake to my timeless reality while maintaining your physical shell that is creating the fatigue that I perceive in the bodies of those in your timeline. I know that what I am saying may be very confusing. However, it is your time-bound thinking that ties you to a reality that is coming into its completion. I can see the myriad possible realities that are converging and intersecting in your world, and I wonder which of you will choose which possible reality. I guess what I want to tell you is, “Please contact the highest expression of your SELF that you can imagine and allow that version of your reality to make those choices for you.”

This highest expression of your SELF resonates to the octave of the Violet Light. Ultraviolet is the highest perceivable light on any octave/dimension of reality. Hence, it is the resonance which will allow you to transmute your consciousness into the next dimension of reality. In fact, it is the resonance of Violet Light that will guide you to the opening of your Portal into the higher frequency expressions of reality.

By the time I had adapted to the Indigo Light of the Corridor, I knew I was ready to become a higher version of my SELF, but I did not know how. Therefore, I needed to re-enter the Corridor. In other words, I was ready to go inside of myself to enter the Corridor in a fully conscious manner to return Home to my Multidimensional SELF.

The Violet Light

I return to you now because I can see how many of you are preparing yourselves for your great transition. It is through the Violet Light, the “fire” of transmutation, that this transition begins. Once I had decided that I was ready to BE this higher version of my SELF that I felt deep within me, I began to feel myriad changes in my physical body. Many of us thought that we were “sick,” but because of my conscious decision to return to my true SELF, I knew that my “sickness” was my body trying to catch up with my consciousness. That is when I began to hear the voice of the Arcturians in my daily life.

These voices first began during meditation, which I had fully embraced by then. Then, I began to have a certain feeling, which is difficult to describe. I would have to say that the feeling was an intense urge to stop, close my eyes, take a deep breath with a long exhale and listen to my inner Self. As soon as I would do that, I would feel my consciousness begin to expand. Then had the feeling that only a small part of “me” was in my body and the rest of me was beyond the confines of my physical form. I say “beyond” rather than “outside” because the greater sense of myself was INSIDE.

When I turned my eyes, actually my eye-my Third Eye-around to look inside I could see the Corridor. Very often before this time I found myself IN the Corridor, but I could not remember how I had entered it. Now, for the first time, I could see the light that led to this entry. That light, of course, was Violet. At first the Violet Light was very small, as if the opening to the Corridor was far away. But, how could it be far away if it was inside of me? Could I have been that vast within my SELF? The voice inside then said, “YOU, our beloved, are more vast than you can imagine.”

This time I heard the voice echoing from deep, deep inside of me, and as I put my attention onto it, the Violet Light became brighter. I asked for more inner instructions and heard, “Follow the FEEL of our voice and the GLOW of the Violet Light.”

Upon hearing these words my body began to shake and I had to focus on deep breathing to calm myself and, especially, to stay conscious. There was a part of me that wanted to leave. At the time, I did not understand that feeling, but now I know that that was the part of me that was totally ready for ascension. However, there were other parts of me that still held fear and attachment to my old life. Hence, a battle started to be waged within me.

The shaking became faster and my breathing deeper and, almost, desperate. I was loosing ALL control of this situation. It was as if I was in a run-away car with no breaks. However, at the same time, I would not have used the breaks if they were there because I was beginning to experience a euphoric feeling beyond anything I had ever known. I then heard, “Surrender to your feelings and release all resistance.” At first, all I could do was to say to myself, “Surrender and Release.” I said this over and over, more times than I could count. My words made me feel more in control, which calmed the fear I had not realized  I was feeling. Then, I pulled all the shaking into my Core and slowed my breath.

At that moment I felt like a rocket ship that had just been launched. I knew that my body was perfectly still, but my consciousness, my Essence, was soaring beyond the speed of light into the unknown, AND I was loving it. Never had I experienced such freedom and glory. I had had myriad experiences in the Corridor before, but nothing was like this. I hoped that I was still breathing and wondered if I would ever return. But, where would I return to? Who would I return to? And, why  would I ever want to leave here?

“It is not your time-yet!” whispered the inner voice, and suddenly, it was over. I was back sitting on my chair with the biggest smile my face could carry. All I could think was, “WOW!” I looked around my room. It was the same. My chair was the same, my desk was the same, and when I looked out the window, the world looked the same. However, I was NOT the same. I knew that what I had experienced was a “preview of coming attractions,” and I was very antsy to see the “entire movie.”

“The Path to Ascension is paved with patience,” spoke my inner voice. Again, a smile filled my face.

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