Creating New Enlightened Ways

A Golden Age does not just emerge out of the ethers.  It is created out of the intentions of thousands of souls who desire to progress into a higher dimension of consciousness. Many of you are now in the process of finding kindred souls all around the world so you can join forces to create your next dimensional shift individually and collectively as an entire planet. All of the cosmic energies that are streaming into your planet are here to assist you in taking your next steps to co-create a new Golden Age on Earth.  ~ The Cosmic World Mother

creatingThousands upon thousands of you are remembering that you are here to be a more conscious part of co-creating your next cycle of being. In the new dawn of your individual and collective possibilities for shifting the consciousness of humanity out of the confines of its limiting third dimensional matrix, all of your unnecessary Earth memories are starting to burn away to make room for the phoenix that is surely rising out of the ashes of your past.

As you continue to embody more and more of your mastery, you have the opportunity to inspire others to become more active participants in their own awakening. You are all part of opening each other’s hearts and minds to the possibilities that lie before you during your pivotal Shift in the Ages. Continue reading