Your Soul’s Sole Purpose

lightRebecca Couch – What times are these that challenge you from every direction? They are the ones that you have been preparing for millennia! The time is nigh. There is no greater test for these times than to test your resolve in the fire. We do not make light of the depth nor import of this, but we do know how powerful you are and how victorious you will be in this task!

Stay strong, Stay clear. Stay vigilant for the light. Use all of your faculties, physical and extrasensory. Trust your instincts and your promptings. Ask for help on all fronts and know that it is given.

You are not alone in this; you are guided and protected by legions. If you only knew that you are Generals of the Light each in your own right, leading the charge for all who share your conviction as a Light Warrior. Continue reading

Sacred of Days

timeRebecca Couch – It is important to process your emotions as they arise, for they are varied and frequent. There is so much of the old errs and victories and struggles and sadnesses and complexities to process. It is a soup of all that you have experienced in your vast and intricate journey.

Allowing them to be felt and cleared again is the acknowledgement of all that you have been and the alchemy for all you are becoming. Honouring them allows the inward focus that is essential now, for all that is spinning about you is distraction from the real truth which is what is taking place inside of you. Continue reading

Creation And Manifestation

energyVeronica – There are many paths in reality that lead to creation and manifestation. It is important to find the correct energy to do so with ease.

The two most common ways are forcing and allowing. The denseness of the atmosphere on earth can cause the forcing, one thinks, is necessary to accomplish anything. The difference between allowing and forcing is huge. There are many who decide that it is necessary to push the energy. Each push they feel does create the desired effects in their reality. It might work for a while but can become exhausting and disappointing. Continue reading

Create the Life You Want

universal lawTanaaz– Universal laws are guiding principles to help us flow with universal energy in a way that brings harmony and balance to our lives. These personal frequency laws allow us to hear the subtle voice of the divine and to follow its guidance.

The Universe is a mystery. As Deepak Chopra states, “the Universe is not made of stuff but of possibilities mysteriously turning into the experience of stuff.”

We are not in the Universe, we are part of the Universe and together the vibration of all of our beings creates the life we experience here on planet earth.

We are all co-creators in this Universe and we all have the power to create whatever life we want, as long as it is aligned with the laws of the Universe. Continue reading

The Old World Is Falling Away and Making Way for a New One

new beginningsPaul Lenda – It may seem like the world is a chaotic mess right now. However, maybe it’s good. It’s a good idea to remember the Chinese parable of the Old Man and the Horse. Something may appear at first to be terrible or catastrophic, yet it leads to something better. We are seeing this play out right now but on a grand scale. The old world, which didn’t work that well for anyone, is falling away. A new world is emerging to take its place.

Painful Endings Are New Beginnings

You need not cry because something is over. Instead, you can smile because it happened. Let’s face it. The ‘system’ was dysfunctional at its core. Even the wealthiest beings in the world have to breathe the same polluted air everyone else does. Nobody is separate from a collective consciousness and self-contained ecosystem.

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