Fed’s ‘Cocaine and Heroin Injection’ a Criminal Act [Video]

CelenteGreg Hunter – Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says former Fed President Richard Fisher dropped an ominous truth bomb last week on CNBC. Celente says, “Last week, when it was a celebration of . . . 2009 and the markets started going up, Fisher says, quote, ‘We injected cocaine and heroin into the system to enable a wealth effect . . . and now we are maintaining it with Ritalin.’  Fisher also said, a few weeks ago, that ‘the Fed is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left.’  Let’s take his quote, and this is very important, ‘We injected cocaine and heroin into the system.’  You go back to our 2010 alert, and we said this was no recovery.  It was a cover-up.  What Fisher just said was a criminal act. Injecting cocaine and heroin into the system was a criminal act by the banking gang.”  

Celente says the announcement of increased money printing by the European Central Bank last week only means one thing, “The bond buying bubble has burst. You can see what happened.  All of a sudden, they announced this widely anticipated announcement–gold prices went way down and the markets went way up.  Then, all of a sudden–the markets went down and gold prices went way up.  You know why?  Everybody knows this is a fraud, even the Fed guys. . . . All this is, is heroin and cocaine.  It doesn’t fix you and neither does Ritalin. . . . It’s not working.”


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Worldwide Credit Bubble Bursting Now [Video]

pentoGreg Hunter – Analyst/money manager Michael Pento says the Fed plans on raising interest rates multiple times. Pento explains, “The Fed isn’t going to do a one-and-done rate hike scenario like Wall Street would like you to believe. The Fed publishes . . . where they think the Fed Funds Rate . . . will be at a certain point in time. . . . At the end of next year, the median ‘dot plot’ is 1.5% on the overnight lending rate. So, the Fed is not going to raise one time and retire and go home, and that is not even the most important point. The most important point is we have reached a point where we are entering into a global recession, and this global recession is going to occur even if the Fed did not raise interest rates more than one time. It’s happening now.”


Pento, who wrote the 2013 book “The Coming Bond Market Collapse,” says almost every country in the world is in deep financial trouble and contends, “You’re seeing the bursting of this worldwide credit bubble, and the first cracks are appearing in junk debt. . . . Global debt is up to $230 trillion. That is a $60 trillion increase since the Great Recession. All of this debt has been issued at artificially low prices. . . . The global economy has never been more addicted to 0% interest rates ever before in the history of economics or the history of the world. You are starting to see that crack, and that crack is going to occur . . . all the metrics I look at are screaming recession outside of the Fed’s rate hike.” Continue reading