Estrogen-Mimicking Enviro-Toxins Are Giving Us Cancer [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – Cancer will afflict 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the US and 1 out of every 2 of those diagnosed will die from cancer. These numbers are set to nearly double by the year 2050, based on statistics collected by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

It’s no exaggeration to call these numbers epidemic, on par with the 14th century bubonic plague (aka “Black Death”), which killed over 30% of Europe’s population.

My family has been ravaged by cancer. I’ll bet yours has been, too. Are we supposed to believe that this hyper-acceleration in cancer rates is genetic?

With all of Monsanto’s biochemical wizardry, one would think that they could find another way to create pesticides besides dumping estrogen-mimicking carcinogens onto the world’s food supply.

In this video, Dr. Terry Grossman and Dr. Nick Delgado, discuss the relationship between cancer and these unnatural estrogens in our environment.

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