Psycho-Spiritual Armor to Withstand Acceleration of Time

The Psychedelic Upgrade for Your Mind Sergey Baranov – As a former cult member, I’ve experienced brainwashing first hand. I’ve seen how otherwise intelligent, highly educated people, among them professional therapists, lawyers and business people, have turned into blind followers of a self-proclaimed prophet whose so-called teaching was nothing but regurgitation of the Fourth Way ideas that were originated with George Gurdjieff, Armenian, mystic, philosopher and writer of the 20th century, and later transformed into a complete nonsense by the cult environment.

When my six year-long membership was finally over, I found myself in the Amazon jungle drinking Ayahuasca in 2005. The purge I had to go through was intense and revelations were profound. I could literally expel the energy of brainwashing out of my bones, while choking on my vomit. More on that in my first book PATH: Seeking Truth in a World of Lies. Continue reading

Cycles of Time

cyclesElva Thompson – In today’s reality, change is happening so fast we can hardly keep up with it. The ‘unimaginable’ is staring us in the face, and we feel powerless to act as we are swept along by the will of elite bureaucrats and their minions. Mixed messages from the controlled media and self serving, barely ccycleonscious politicians have led to mass fear, confusion, uncertainty and psychosis in the general public.

We have been financially crippled, masked, locked up and isolated from each other under threats of fines and imprisonment for a disease that at max has a kill rate of 1%. The majority of people who have died from this so called ‘killer disease’ were already on deaths door. But governments have ignored the true facts and embarked on a crusade to get everyone on the planet inoculated with a magnetic, self replicating, graphene laced piece of software…. the powers that be call a vaccine! Continue reading