How to Be Unstoppably Happy

choiceJafree Ozwald – There are many people who have spent lifetimes striving to reach their dreams and goals which they believe will one day make them happy. Yet, most find themselves addicted to the pursuit of their vision, and the fantasy of what may come, instead of actually enjoying being happy in their lives today.

The truth is there are as many distractions inside us as there are on the outside of us, and they are ALL excuses that say it’s not possible to be happy right now. The secret we have discovered to becoming unstoppably happy is simply to see how happiness is not far away at all. It is always a choice readily available to you in each new moment. Continue reading

Being In The Spiritual Flow Is The Only Way To Truly Live


Open – Humanity’s spiritual awakening is gathering at a pace. Many have awakened to the profound magic of Unity Consciousness – that cosmic energy which unites all. But what is the next step? Where do we go from there?

It’s all about learning to ‘walk the path’ by following our inner compass – making the choices of our higher self. So how exactly does that work? I’ve been consciously walking the path for several years now and encountered many who’re doing the same. Here’s my sharing based on those direct experiences… Continue reading

The Door Is Always Open

consciousnessJafree Ozwald  – You are free to leave this experience called suffering. You already have an out of jail pass. The golden key to opening this magical door is learning how to surrender to the Source of who you are.  This means you first let go of all your beliefs, judgments and ideas about who you think you are, and then see what is left.

You can move through any stuck, painful or imprisoned feeling that arises by dropping into a state of pure surrender.

You are either choosing the path of Ego or Surrender.  If you choose surrender, there is a deep oceanic experience within your being awaiting you.  It is only through this deep trusting state that you instantly get to see, feel and experience the Divine Being that you truly are. Continue reading

The Door Is Always Open

“Many of life’s circumstances are created by three basic choices: the disciplines you choose to keep, the people you choose to be with, and the laws you choose to obey.” ~Charles Millhuff


Jafree Ozwald ~ You are free to leave this experience called suffering. You already have an out of jail pass. The key is to surrender to the Source of who you are, and let go of ALL your ideas about who you think you are. You can move through any imprisoned feeling that arises and drop into a deeper oceanic experience within your being. This is the promise of total surrender of the ego. It causes you to see the Divinity you truly are! You can relax about everything…yes everything! Just let go of anything your mind clings to the moment you notice it is clinging to any idea. This experience of letting go is quite easy. In fact, it is absolutely effortless! Just experience this moment as it is, and drop any clinging you have to how it “should” be. It’s that easy.

Who says that transcending years of struggle, emotional pain and personal suffering has to be hard? What if your life on Earth is meant to be much easier and simpler than you’ve made it out to be? You can change anything around! Just take a deep breath and relax your body. Breathe easily. You are divinely guided by a higher Being. There is an awesome intelligence inside you, showing you the way home to this state of being internally free. Only through a deep surrender to your Self, can you find this angelic guiding presence inside you now.

“When we feel stuck, going nowhere, even starting to slip backward… we may actually be backing up to get a running start.” ~Dan Millman

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Your Job Is To Be Outrageously Happy

Jafree Ozwald | March 14 2012

Dan MillmanWhat if your main job in life was to be soooo happy that you contagiously made everyone else feel happy too? How would you start your day? What would you do tomorrow morning to wake up so that you feel lighter, more free, and alive with life? When you choose this higher energetic frequency that’s full of love, joy and gratitude, you’ll notice some wonderful benefits arises. You magically start manifesting all of sorts of abundant opportunities and experiences! You become a powerful manifesting magnet, for everyone wants whatever you’re having and people will go out of their way just to be in your bubbly presence.

By choosing to be authentically grateful for anything in your life, you instantly achieve happiness. You also overcome any constricting emotions like sadness, frustration, guilt, desperation and fear. They simply drop when you drop into a body that is flowing with this Divine alive state. Happiness is a conscious choice that you can make no matter what your circumstances are. In each moment of your life, no matter what is occurring in your outer world, you can look for the blessing hidden in disguise . You always have the option to choose to appreciate something about yourself, and can learn to see the brighter side of the road. What you have or don’t have doesn’t have to determine your state of happiness. You can simply choose to feel happy for no reason at all. It just boils down to the choice the first thing in the morning when you wake up, that you can choose to be an unstoppable loving being filled with appreciation, lightness and compassion.

“Act happy, feel happy, be happy, without a reason in the world. Then you can love, and do what you will.” ~ Dan Millman

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