The Door Is Always Open

consciousnessJafree Ozwald  – You are free to leave this experience called suffering. You already have an out of jail pass. The golden key to opening this magical door is learning how to surrender to the Source of who you are.  This means you first let go of all your beliefs, judgments and ideas about who you think you are, and then see what is left.

You can move through any stuck, painful or imprisoned feeling that arises by dropping into a state of pure surrender.

You are either choosing the path of Ego or Surrender.  If you choose surrender, there is a deep oceanic experience within your being awaiting you.  It is only through this deep trusting state that you instantly get to see, feel and experience the Divine Being that you truly are.

Yes!  You can relax about everything.  It’s OK to have a good time, and this will happen naturally as you let go of anything your mind wants to cling to.

Once you notice the mind is dwelling on some thought, just drop it as if it were a burning red coal in your hand.  This will help to realize when you are lost in thought.

There is actually a very sensual exhilarating experience you’ll get from letting go of the relentless mind chatter.  It’s the greatest freedom you’ll ever discover!  The best part is that it is absolutely effortless and easy to do.   You simply trust and surrender everything to the Universe.  Let it handle the details for you.  This moment of your life is exactly as needs to be. Once you drop your beliefs about how it “should” be, and accept what is, your life becomes effortless again.  It’s that easy.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau

Who says that transcending years of struggle, emotional pain and personal suffering has to be hard?  Don’t listen to these people.  What if your life on Earth is meant to be much easier and simpler than you’ve made it out to be? You can change any negative attitude completely around in a few minutes. Just ask the Universe with all your heart for what you want and listen.  You must be patient and have much trust inside.

You must believe that you are divinely guided by the highest intelligence, love and power. When you accept that this awesome power is in all things (including you), it starts showing you the way home to being truly free.  Ahhhh…just say YES to being guided!  You can take a deep breath and relax now. It is through relaxation that you’ll find the Truth within your Self, and discover a sweet Angelic presence was with you all along.

“When we feel stuck, going nowhere…even starting to slip backward, we may actually be backing up to get a running start.” – Dan Millman

You never have to fight your way through life. The opportunity is always going to be here now for you to surrender to Source. You can give up this inner battle and just holler out a big YES to being free from all of your problems.  These problems are just opportunities to let this ego of yours melt into this divine existence.

Nobody says you have to continue to suffer and keep holding onto these same issues another day. There is a new awareness breathing inside you now.  It becomes even more powerful when you learn the fine art of totally letting go!

Explore a different kind of life that is beyond the countless “have to’s” “need to’s” and “shoulds” that have been drowning you.  The world is just waiting for you to fully enjoy it now!  You are an infinite ocean of consciousness, an immortal being who knows no boundary or limitation. Surrender to that understanding and you can enjoy the long journey home.

“Many of life’s circumstances are created by three basic choices: the disciplines you choose to keep, the people you choose to be with, and the laws you choose to obey.”  – Charles Millhuff

How will you know when you are truly free from your mind? Everything you take on will feel as light as a feather.  Every challenging person from your past will be an exciting opportunity for you to become a more loving, compassionate and enlightened being. You are free to open the door, and this doorway to love, inner peace, abundance and freedom is always available.

Any belief that says it is closed or that “life is hard” is a lie.  You can free your mind from these extreme doubting voices by seeing how they are all just one side of the coin.  Always, always always ask yourself what is on the other side of that coin?  Your mind has the miraculous power within it to find peace, balance and equanimity.  Once you master your mind you’ll see this Universe is the most loving magical place to live.

You will experience a lighter state of consciousness the instant you surrender to this divine intelligent Universe.  Right now is the only time that there is to experience this joy, empowerment and freedom. This now moment always contains this divine opportunity.  It is not found in the future, it is only here now.  Simply choose to be liberated from the drama your mind has been creating by saying, “I choose to be free!”

Your life is not about being responsible or irresponsible for your life.  It’s all about improving your ability to respond to life with total joy, lightness and ALIVENESS!  You were born to be full of laughter and a fun sweet spunky pizzazz!  Yes, this energy is inside you, and its the answer to your greatest problem.  Make this choice right now to be truly alive, to be free from any heavy thoughts, and you have just decided to be born again.

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey

SF Source Enlightened Beings  December 4 2011

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