Kavanaugh Triggers Dems, Declassified – Deep State Panic, Obama Trump Meeting Revealed

jandaGreg Hunter – Today, I am doing something different for the Wrap-Up. I have brought in Dr. Dave Janda of the popular radio show “Operation Freedom” to talk about the week’s top stories. The Wrap-Up is more in the form of a discussion and not the normal presentation.

The confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court continues to spiral out of control. Will Dr. Ford, who has made a serious sexual assault allegation from more than 35 years ago about Judge Kavanaugh, testify in front of Congress? The Democrats look desperate to block Kavanaugh because after he is seated on the highest court all Hell is going to break loose. Indictments cometh from the Trump Administration. Continue reading

Former CIA Director John Brennan in First Wave of Indictments

jandaGreg Hunter – Dr. Dave Janda is a retired MD that started a radio career. Now, he has a red hot show called “Operation Freedom.” Janda says his sources say indictments are coming soon for those who tried to illegally take President Trump down.

Dr. Janda explains, “Everybody who is a freedom fighter is tired of hearing it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, and nothing is happening. What I am told and have been told, and it’s been consistently told to me, is you are going to start to see movement on the indictments after the primaries are over. Continue reading

Big Globalist Deals are Money Laundering Frauds

jandaGreg Hunter – Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says Trump is bringing big changes to the world with tough talk on trade. At the end of the G-7 economic forum, Trump said America is “like the piggy bank that everyone is robbing, and that ends.” Trump is basically saying America has been cheated in trade deals for decades and countries like China, Canada and Mexico are ripping us off.

Janda, who has deep political and Intel sources, says, “Yes, that is correct. Go back to 1992 and Ross Perot. He was demagogued by the media as a crazy man. He was marginalized. He was ridiculed. 110% of what Ross Perot said about NAFTA is correct. It was a great ‘sucking sound’ of jobs leaving and manufacturing jobs leaving. Who benefited by that? Continue reading

Iran Nuke Deal — Bribes, Treason and Fraud [Video]

jandaGreg Hunter – Dave Janda, host of the popular radio show called “Operation Freedom,” says the Iran nuclear deal (also known as the JCPOA) is an unsigned scam with huge implications of “treason and fraud.”

Janda says, besides the public not being told it was never signed by Iran, they were also lied to about the enormous amounts of cash brought to Iran on pallets. It’s way more than the $1 billion or so the Obama Administration admitted to giving the number one state sponsor of terror.

Janda, who has high ranking sources in Intel, politics and law enforcement, explains, “Everybody got a piece of this.  My contacts say when this happens, the cash gets lighter.  (Meaning, everybody gets a cut of the money.)


I spoke to my contacts about the cash part of this and, according to my contacts behind the curtain about this stuff, they say it’s more than the $1.5 billion that folks have been speaking about, significantly more.   Continue reading