Gold Rising Because it Protects Against Government

ArmstrongGreg Hunter – Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst Martin Armstrong continues to be bullish on America. Armstrong contends, “The U.S. economy has been the only thing holding up the world. People do not realize what is the difference between the U.S. vs. the rest of the world? China respects it, and they are starting to move in the proper direction. . . . The United States has the biggest consumer market, which is why everybody wants to sell here. China now realizes the mistake. China is going to turn inward and try and develop its own consumer market.”

Things are not looking good for the long term viability of the euro. Armstrong says, “Because Europe is a basket case, the likelihood of the euro going to completely fall apart is actually quite high. What did the euro do? It basically replaced 28 currencies. So, the diversity has been shot.” Continue reading

Ignoring Economic Reality: Ayn Rand Would Laugh

“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”  – Ayn Rand.

goldGary Christenson – The western world has ignored economic realities for decades. It’s not a Republican or Democratic problem. Banking, power, fiat currencies, dishonest money and transfers of wealth are the issues.

The consequences of ignoring reality are uncomfortable and dangerous. However, most people prefer palatable, easy to digest and believable stories.

In the United States, the U.K., Europe, and Japan it is comforting to believe:

• Debt has increased exponentially for decades and for over 100 years in the US. We want to believe debt will grow for another century. (It won’t.)

• Governments want to borrow, spend their way into prosperity, and pretend and extend indefinitely. (Not likely.)

• It is comforting to believe our politicians and central bankers manage our countries and currencies for the benefit of the populace. (Don’t plan on it.) Continue reading

Who’s To Blame For Your Debt

Paul Rosenberg – I hope that none of my regular readers are burdened with much debt, but I know that many people are. Sometimes shockingly so. And so I’d like to explain who’s really to blame for these situations, because they are more complex than they may at first appear.

The Obvious Blame

The most obvious target for blame is the person who signed for it. And while there’s certainly a good deal of truth to that, it’s not quite that simple.

So, yes, if you’re in debt, you did bring it upon yourself, and you could have done better. So, before I begin to excuse you, take that to heart. We’ve all made mistakes (Lord knows I have), and this one was yours. Don’t defend your error; learn from it. And don’t do it again.

That Said…

The truth is that the people of the West (and of the US in particular) have been manipulated into debt. The forces arrayed against them are a virtual armada of undue influence. And so we’ll go through the largest of them one at a time. Continue reading