Divine Guidance’s Role in Making the Right Decision

decisionJulie Geigle – Sometimes in life, you come to a fork in the road and you say to yourself should I go left or should I go right? How can we be sure if the choice we make is the right decision?

If you are faced with a fork in the road in your life today, here are four simple tips to help you make the right decision:

1. Pray about it

Don’t just ask God to help you out, but really open your heart to divine guidance. Do this by taking three deep breaths, close your eyes, move into your heart and ask God “Which path would bring me closer to my highest good?” Continue reading

Decisions and Choices

lifeVeronica – A physical life is formed by the decisions you make. Each dramatic decision is an expression of choice from within. Before one incarnates a blueprint of sorts is created to achieve the goals of the soul.

Some feel that this blueprint is set in stone. Any variance is either a mistake or misstep in the growth process of the life. One may experience great anxiety when things do not remain on track. “After all, one should carefully follow a blueprint, especially when it is created by a greater consciousness than your own.”

One should remember that they are a part of that greater moment. There was singular input from yourself while considering the goals of this life. Together, within the expansive expression of spirit, you were indeed at the root of creation.

Source energy combined with your unique expression has placed you in the current physical life.

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